Page 77 - Energize July 2022
P. 77


        produced from fossil fuels such as methane and the ready   Natural gas (methane) fuel cell
        availability of “green hydrogen”, produced by electrolysis of water   Natural gas is the most readily available fuel for fuel cells and a
        using “surplus” renewable energy, is somewhere in the future.   number of commercial systems are available. Numerous fuel cells of
           To tackle the difficulties related to hydrogen, hydrogen carriers   this type are in use worldwide ranging from single systems rated at
        have been suggested. Such fuels include methanol, ethanol,   10 kW to those greater than 1 MW. There are also very large multi-
        methane and ammonia. Organic-based fuels, such as methanol,   unit systems which produce between 10 and 60 MW (see Figure 10).
        ethanol and methane, contain carbon and so will release CO 2 upon
        utilisation. This has driven development towards nitrogen-based
        carriers such as ammonia and hydrazine. Ammonia contains 17,6
        wt% hydrogen and, unlike ethanol and methanol, contains no
        carbon and therefore will not release CO 2 on decomposition.

        Liquid fuel types are not as efficient as pure hydrogen, as the
        hydrogen needs to be “stripped” off the fuel molecule and then
        used in the fuel cell. Two methods are in use:
        •  Pre-reforming: The liquid or gaseous fuel is processed to release
          the hydrogen in a pre-treatment section, and the resulting   Figure 10:  World’s largest fuel cell plant (78 MW) at Incheon, S Korea
          hydrogen fed to the fuel cell.                       (Hydrogen central)
        •  Direct use: Hydrogen is extracted from the fuel inside the FC.

        Low-temperature fuel cells (AFC, PEM, PAFC) require a reformer
        external to the fuel cell stack. Developers of stationary PEM fuel
        cell power plants have produced integrated packages which
        combine fuel processing, power production stacks and inverter
        sections into compact products.
           SOFC and MCFC systems operate at sufficiently high
        temperatures to reform natural gas and other carriers internal
        to the fuel cell stack. This eliminates the need for an external
        reformer, resulting in a potentially simpler and lower-cost fuel cell
        system.                                                Figure 11:  Commercial methane powered 400 kW fuel cell system (UTC)

        Fuel cell type    Common electrolyte    Operating temperature  Typical stack size   Electrical efficiency   Typical applications    Advantages   Challenges

        Polymer electrolyte    Perfluoro-sulfonic acid   <120°C   <1 kW–100 kW   60% direct H2; 40%    Backup power   Solid electrolyte reduces  Expensive catalysts
        membrane (PEM)                                       reformed fuel    Portable power   corrosion and electrolyte  Sensitive to fuel
                                                                          Distributed generation  management problems.  impurities
                                                                          Transport    Low temperature
                                                                                       Quick start-up and load
        Alkaline (AFC)   Aqueous potassium    <100°C   1 to 100 kW   60%    Military   Wider range of stable   Sensitive to CO2 in fuel
                     hydroxide soaked in a                                Space        materials allows lower   and air
                     porous matrix, or                                    Backup power   cost components   Electrolyte
                     alkaline polymer                                     Transport    Low temperature   management (aqueous)
                     membrane                                                          Quick start-up   Electrolyte conductivity
        Phosphoric acid    Phosphoric acid soaked  150 to 200°C   5 to 400 kW, 100 kW   40%   Distributed generation  Suitable for CHP   Expensive catalysts
        (PAFC)       in a porous matrix or       module (liquid PAFC)                  Increased tolerance to   Long start-up time
                     imbibed in a polymer       <10 kW (polymer                        fuel impurities   Sulphur sensitivity
                     membrane                  membrane)
        Molten carbonate    Molten lithium, sodium,   600 to 700°C   300 kW to 3 MW,   50%   Electric utility   High efficiency   High temperature
        (MCFC)       and/or potassium          300 kW module              Distributed generation  Fuel flexibility   corrosion and
                     carbonates, soaked in                                             Suitable for CHP   breakdown of cell
                     a porous matrix                                                   Hybrid/gas turbine cycle  components
                                                                                                     Long start-up time
                                                                                                     Low power density
        Solid oxide (SOFC)   Yttria stabilized zirconia  500 to 1000°C   1 kW to 2 MW   60%   Auxiliary power   High efficiency   High temperature
                                                                          Electric utility   Fuel flexibility   corrosion and
                                                                          Distributed generation  Solid electrolyte   breakdown of cell
                                                                                       Suitable for CHP  components
                                                                                       Hybrid/gas turbine cycle  Long start-up time
                                                                                                     Limited number of
        Table 1:  Comparison of fuel cell characteristics (US DoE )

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