Page 79 - Energize July 2022
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the reformer and to provide the heat needed for cracking. It is Fuel cells for backup power
also possible to tune the anode utilisation of the fuel cell, so the Fuel cells will provide power as long as fuel is available. Their
exhaust stream from the fuel cell has enough heating value from higher efficiency and lower CO 2 production, compared to internal
the unconsumed hydrogen to supply the required heat if burned. 4 combustion engines, makes fuel cells a prime choice for standby
and reliable power systems use. Fuel cells are used extensively
Direct ammonia fuel cell 5 as backup power by telecommunications and mobile phone
The direct ammonia fuel cell operates at a high temperature which companies in the USA. AT&T, for instance, installed 21 MW of FC
allows internal reforming of ammonia to occur. Figure 13 shows a systems at 34 sites in California, Connecticut, New Jersey, and
direct AMFC. New York. 6
1. US DoE: “Types of fuel cell”,
2. D Sauer: “Fuel cells in photovoltaic hybrid systems for stand-
alone power supplies”, Fraunhofer Institute.
3. Fuelcellworks: “AFC, PEM, PAFC, MCFC, SOFC”, https://
4. C Spiegel: “Alternative Liquid Fuel Types for Fuel Cells”, www.
5. J Geerh, et al: “Recent progress in ammonia fuel cells and their
potential applications”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 26
November 2020.
6. Tokyo gas: “Development of FPS (fuel processing system) for
7. T Lilley: “Whatever happened to fuel cells”, Power, May 2017,
8. X Li: “Fuel cells – applications”, University of Illinois
Figure 13: Direct ammonia fuel cell (Ammonia energy association) Send your comments to
Fuel cell for marine transport - ABB
energize | July 2022 | 77