Page 57 - Energize September 2022
P. 57


          as voltage regulators and capacitors                  such as the addition of voltage regulators and capacitors, can
        •  Tertiary: The hosting capacity with grid upgrades such as line   improve the amount of PV generation that a distribution circuit
          upgrades, energy storage and smart inverters.         can accommodate This includes advanced tap changers. Voltage
                                                                regulators can be installed along the length of the feeder to provide
        Initial hosting capacity limits are illustrated in Figure 7.   localised voltage control.
           In the initial hosting capacity, none of the criteria are impacted   Tertiary hosting capacity is the capacity which can be achieved
        and no changes are required to assess the initial hosting capacity,   with major changes to the network. This includes smart tap
        the operation of legacy devices is included in the calculation of   changers, voltage regulators, capacitors, strengthening the network
        capacity. It should be noted that there is a delay in the operation of   by re-cabling, replacement or upgrade of distribution transformers,
        legacy control devices. Thus, the feeder may record an overvoltage   the use of voltage control on PV inverters, and storage at PV
        condition for a few minutes until the control device operates.   generators to absorb excess generation.
        The devices operate based on the local information and control   An interesting option to achieve tertiary capacity is the
        settings, and thus do not require an external communication   installation of network storage at the distribution transformer. The
        interface.                                              ESS stores excess generation during the day and re-injects it into
           Secondary hosting capacity is the capacity that can be achieved   the grid during the peak period at night (at a premium), preventing
        without major changes to the feeder or to the PV generators.   reverse power flow.
        Operational changes in the voltage regulation equipment,
                                                                1. P Apadhyay: “Distributed Energy Resources (DERs): Impact
                                                                  of Reverse Power Flow on Transformer”, Cigre Science &
                                                                  Engineering, number 19, October 2020.
                                                                2. P Aston: “What is reverse power flow”, Roadknight Taylor, April
                                                                3. GE: “Voltage Regulators”, GE digital energy
                                                                4. S Jothibasu, et al: “Cost of integrating distributed photovoltaic
                                                                  generation to the utility distribution circuits”, White Paper
                                                                  UTEI/2016-01-1, 2016,
        Figure 7: Example of initial hosting capacity limits      electricity-fce/
                                                                5. I Majeed: “Impact of reverse power flow on distributed
                                                                  transformers in a solar PV integrated low voltage network”,
                                                                  University of Johannesburg,
                                                                6. A Akinyemi, et al: “Analysis of voltage rise phenomena in
                                                                  electrical power network with high concentration of renewable
                                                                  distributed generations”, DUT Scientific reports, 2022
                                                                6. S Hasemi: “Methods and strategies for overvoltage prevention in
                                                                  low voltage distribution systems with PV”, IET Renewable Power
                                                                  Generation, 2017, Vol. 11, Issue 2

        Figure 8: Effect of voltage regulation on PV inverters   Send your comments to

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