Page 14 - Issue 3 2023
P. 14


                            The energy transition –

               a just transition or a fair transition?

                                              By Liz Hart, Africa Energy Indaba

             he energy transition — along    on African countries’ cost base for gas
             with the restructuring of global   exports. As an example, the European
        Tnatural gas supply sources          Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment
        following the Russian invasion of    Mechanism, will require EU importers
        Ukraine — is shaping the future of   to secure carbon certificates on
        Africa’s gas sector. It offers bright   imported goods corresponding to the
        options for several affected countries   carbon price that would have been
        should they have the political will to   paid, had the goods been produced
        invest in their infrastructure and create   under the EU’s pricing rules.
        private sector opportunities – thereby   In this context, Africa’s gas majors
        building long-term economic resilience   are increasingly challenged to deliver
        for themselves at this critical juncture.  higher returns more sustainably.
           The upcoming Africa Energy        Investor scrutiny of gas projects,
        Indaba (7-9 March at the Cape Town   meanwhile, is intensifying as capital
        International Convention Centre) is set   providers factor environmental,   Liz Hart
        to empower attendees with insights to   social, and governance considerations
        leverage the significant opportunities   into their decisions. Regarding local
        that will ultimately accelerate Africa’s   consumption, rapid population growth   being that they must also have the
        energy infrastructure, thereby       and industrialisation mean energy    infrastructure in place to meet that
        transforming the continent into a    demand on the continent is threatening   sharply increased demand.
        competitive, industrialised global   to outstrip supply — including for fossil   African gas producing countries are
        player.                              fuels. Modelling by McKinsey estimates   already highly dependent on global
           Africa’s gas industry is entering a   that African energy demand by 2040   capital pools to fund their hydrocarbon
        new era. Yet there are paradoxes: the   could be around 30% higher than it is   projects so as maintain their gas
        opportunity arises at the exact moment   today, an average threefold increase   operations. A challenge in the future
        the world is looking to accelerate a   compared to the global increase in   will be that those global capital pools
        transition away from fossil fuels, leaving   energy demand.               for hydrocarbon projects are in the
        the continent’s oil and gas producing   The Ukraine conflict has highlighted   process of being cut in line with global
        nations highly exposed to the global   the strategic and moral dilemma    commitments made at November’s UN
        energy transition, and their economies   facing Europe’s most industrialised   Climate Change Conference (CoP27)
        dependent on at-risk oil and gas     economies; the European Commission   in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, and CoP26
        revenues. Furthermore, their reserves   has recognised the region’s own limited   before that.
        cost on average 15 to 20% more to    natural resources, by announcing a     Given African oil and gas assets
        extract, according to McKinsey and   plan to make Europe independent of   are more carbon intensive than global
        are, also on average, 70 to 80% more   Russian fossil fuels before 2030. This   gas assets, European countries might
        carbon-intensive than comparable     will be achieved by a combination of   be tempted to look elsewhere as first
        reserves from other regions.         acceleration of renewable energy and   choice.
           Furthermore, many developed       diversification of natural gas supplies.   Energy prices have skyrocketed
        countries are beginning to implement   This could galvanise demand for oil   since early 2022, with Europe heavily
        carbon pricing and taxes, which may   and gas from those African countries   reliant on Russia for more than half
        be likely to have an adverse impact   that have the reserves – the caveat   of its gas, almost half of its coal and

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