Page 11 - Issue 4 2023
P. 11


          Babcock and B&W collaborate to

           deliver smarter power solutions

            or over 130 years, Babcock has   abatement solution that Babcock
            been trusted to deliver technology   provided for a large industrial
       Fand solutions to the steam           petrochemical plant in association with
        generation markets in Africa. In 1891,   B&W. After an extensive technology
        Babcock supplied the first boiler to South   selection process, the compact Babcock
        Africa’s gold mining industry, and over   & Wilcox DRB-XCL® low NOx burner
        the decades has designed and supplied   was found to be the most suitable,
        many steam boilers used in the utility   and ongoing boiler installations at the
        and industrial sectors in the region. As   petrochemical plant have achieved
        the original equipment manufacturer   emission levels of almost 40% lower than   Thava Govender
        (OEM), Babcock has the expertise to   the legal requirements.
        design, build, operate, maintain and   Babcock also worked in partnership
        manage complex steam-generated       with B&W to upgrade electrostatic    While still in their infancy locally, B&W
        infrastructure to meet the critical   precipitators (ESPs) on boiler units at a   has successfully implemented these
        requirements of its customers.       power station, Babcock designed and   technologies in other parts of the
           Babcock supports an agenda        built in the 1980s, while B&W owns   world and Babcock can help customers
        of sustainable development and is    the technology of the original design   explore solutions for future challenges in
        committed to helping customers       of the precipitators. Using technology   association with B&W.
        optimise their operations and reduce   not available at the time, Babcock and   In addition to its strategic alliance
        their impact on the environment, in line   B&W are bringing the boiler units into   with B&W, Babcock has supplier or
        with global climate change objectives.   the 2020s, enabling the power station to   agency agreements with a suite of
        To this end, Babcock has entered into   comply with latest emission regulations   specialised international partners,
        a strategic alliance agreement with   and reducing the impurities by 50%.  to provide customers with the best
        US-based Babcock & Wilcox (B&W),       David Milner, Director Sales and   solutions and products available. For
        to jointly market B&W’s thermal and   Business Development Sub-Saharan    example, Babcock has entered into
        environmental technologies in southern   Africa at B&W, says that Babcock   a long-term contract with Spanish
        Africa. B&W was established more than   can draw on a range of other B&W   company Tubos Reunidos to receive
        150 years ago and is regarded as a world   technologies to customise engineering   high-pressure boiler tubing on an
        leader in developing technologies which   solutions for any complex steam   ongoing basis. Tubos Reunidos are
        can generate power more efficiently,   generation challenge. Among the    certified up to x20 tubing material and
        safely and reliably. The company     technologies available from Babcock   can manufacture tubing according
        designed the first ever water-tube   that can help customers achieve      to Babcock’s stringent specifications.
        boiler and continues to be committed   their environmental and optimisation   Additionally, Babcock is the exclusive
        to bringing environmentally conscious,   objectives are:                  agent for Persta high-pressure valves
        technology-driven solutions and services   •  boiler cleaning             in southern Africa. Manufactured in
        to energy and industrial customers   •  ash handling                      Germany, these valves are fully forged,
        worldwide.                           •  flue gas desulphurisation (both wet   conform to EN and ASME specifications
           Thava Govender, Chief Executive     and dry)                           and are synonymous with durability and
        Officer of Babcock’s engineering     •  bubbling fluidised bed boilers    quality.
        business, explains that through this   •  circulating fluidised bed boilers   “We manage the entire combustion
        alliance, Babcock’s power and industrial   •  coal pulveriser systems     value chain, from engineering to
        customers have access to a wealth    •  boiler controls and optimisation  execution, and together with our
        of proven international technologies   •  industrial package boilers      technology partners and suppliers, we
        which can be applied to address local   •  chemical recovery boilers      can identify opportunities to implement
        challenges such as emission reduction,   •  waste-to-energy plants.       environmental and optimisation
        power reliability, and renewable energy.                                  solutions throughout the various stages
           He confirms that some of these    Milner says that there is also a growing   of the lifecycle, from analysing how a
        technologies have already been       interest in South Africa in technologies   boiler manages a specific type of coal,
        successfully implemented in South    such as carbon capture, oxy-fuel firing   to how emissions can be reduced,”
        Africa, such as a nitrogen oxide (NOx)   and hydrogen production and utilisation.   concludes Govender.

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