Page 8 - Issue 4 2023
P. 8
The passing of a beloved industry legend
Franz Lackinger - 03/12/1936 – 14/02/2023
t is with great sadness that we Franz Lackinger’s philosophy of success could be read as follows:
announce the passing of Franz
ILackinger, the founder and chairman The pathway to success lies in believing in your dream. Seeing them, not as some far-off
of CCG Cable Terminations. He was wishes, but as today’s possibilities. It is being willing to take risks to grow and being
a true gentleman, loved by his staff, able to accept mistakes in order to learn. It is trusting your heart to know when to seek
devoted to his family and loving wife of direction and when to follow your instincts, when to pursue and when to persist, and
59 years, and respected by all. when to just be patient.
Franz Lackinger came from humble
beginnings. Born in Czechoslovakia in The quality of success lies in sharing your vision - encouraging others and setting an
1936 and raised in Germany, he arrived example, giving praise, advice and credit where it is due. It is never being focused on
in South Africa in 1957 with a contract your own goals but to involve the goals of others. It is to lend a helping hand and offer a
to work for Cobra Watertech as a tool friendly smile to others.
In 1963, he started his own The true measure of success lies not so much in what you have achieved, but in whether
company, Automatic Cam Design, you have made a difference. It is knowing you have touched the lives of others and have
consulting and sub-contracting in some way made the world a little bit brighter, a little bit better.
to the growing metal turning and
manufacturing industry in South He was respected throughout the industry for his vast knowledge of manufacturing,
Africa. With an ever-inventive mind, he marketing, electrical and hazardous area technical standards.
designed and patented the first range He was a founder and lifelong honorary member of the South African Flame Proof
of Captive Component Glands in 1972 association, and sat on many standards committees as an industry expert.
and founded the company CCG. With much sorrow and sadness Franz Lackinger’s full, honourable, rewarding,
With a positive outlook, loving, generous life has ended. However, his legacy, his ethics, and the sound principles
an industrious spirit and with he instilled in us will ensure that the company he entrusted us with will continue to
determination against great odds, grow from strength to strength.
he took on the monopolies in the Farewell Franz Lackinger, you will be sorely missed, but lovely memories of you will
industry, grew the business and be treasured forever in our hearts.
with the help of his son Nicholas
Lackinger, built the CCG brand into the
internationally recognised brand that
it is today.
Always a humble man he never
bragged nor boasted of his many
achievements. He always gave
credit where credit was due and
acknowledged those who had helped
build the business, which today
employs over 250 people in South
Africa and in CCG’s ten overseas
His humble upbringing made him
an extremely generous man. He always
had something to offer whether it was
helping a staff member in hard times
or a beggar at a traffic light. He saw his
generosity as more of a hand up, than
a hand out. Franz Lackinger
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