Page 5 - Issue 4 2023
P. 5


           New report highlights evolving role of


                                                   Information from IRENA

                The majority of hydropower assets, built several decades ago, need to be upgraded

                                        according to a new report from IRENA.

             urrent trends in the power sector have prompted changes in the role of
             hydropower, creating a need to adjust the way these assets are designed, operated
       Cand maintained, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy
        Agency (IRENA). “The Changing Role of Hydropower: Challenges and Opportunities”,
        produced in the context of IRENA’s Collaborative Framework on Hydropower, provides a
        snapshot of the current status of hydropower and lays out a vision of how to realise its
           “Hydropower has been an effective source of clean power generation for more than
        a century,” said IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera. “However, with the rapidly
        evolving energy landscape, it is important to re-evaluate its future role and leverage
        recent technological advancements that can maximise its potential, while ensuring its   Francesco La Camera
        sustainability and climate resilience.”
           According to IRENA’s 1,5°C Scenario, if the world is to completely decarbonise and
        meet the climate goals set in the Paris Agreement, hydropower installed capacity,   more about the key actions policy
        including pumped storage hydropower, should more than double by 2050. This will   makers can take to accelerate the
        require annual investments in hydropower to grow roughly fivefold.        deployment of hydropower in a way that
           However, the report underscores that most hydropower potential lies in developing   is in line with its changing role.
        countries, and financing institutions need to work together with governments to
        overcome local risks and limitations and funnel much-needed investment into these   About the International
        regions and countries.                                                    Renewable Energy Agency
           According to the report, hydropower, despite being the most mature renewable   (IRENA)
        technology, faces several challenges including: modernizing ageing fleets to meet   IRENA is the lead intergovernmental
        modern power system requirements; attracting new investments; and updating market   agency for the global energy
        structures and business models that do not reward all of the services provided by   transformation that supports countries
        hydropower beyond power generation.                                       in their transition to a sustainable energy
           The report also emphasises that the planning and development of hydropower will   future, and serves as the principal
        only be successful if aspects of sustainability and resilience are taken into consideration  platform for international co-operation, a
           Read “The Changing Role of Hydropower: Challenges and Opportunities” to learn   centre of excellence, and a repository of
                                                                                  policy, technology, resource and financial
                                                                                  knowledge on renewable energy. With
                                                                                  168 Members (167 States and the
                                                                                  European Union) and 16 additional
                                                                                  countries in the accession process and
                                                                                  actively engaged, IRENA promotes the
                                                                                  widespread adoption and sustainable
                                                                                  use of all forms of renewable energy, in
                                                                                  the pursuit of sustainable development,
                                                                                  energy access, energy security and low-
                                                                                  carbon economic growth and prosperity.

                                                                                  Stay in touch with IRENA at

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