Page 4 - Issue 4 2023
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        Figure 2: The 378MW ‘Energia del Pacifico’ LNG-to-ICE power plant in El Salvador, which took less than 2 years to build, was commissioned this year and
        now provides flexible energy to support the growing renewable energy on the power system.

        type projects, a view which relates   of gas. There is no denying that gas today is primarily derived from fossil fuels; however,
        to the general view that the cost of   massive technological strides are being taken in the development of carbon-free gas fuel
        LNG infrastructure development is    alternatives (such as hydrogen, ammonia and methanol) which at some point will be able
        prohibitively expensive at small and   to replace the fossil fuels used.
        medium scale. Again, not true. Amongst   In fact, today, gas reciprocating engines can burn up to 25% volume of hydrogen
        the eleven awarded projects, four of   blends and this ratio will increase going forward. So, in essence, yes, there are CO 2
        them were designed to have their own   emissions today but when viewed in the context of the current feasible dispatchable
        dedicated LNG supply for <500 MW     technology alternatives, namely coal or low-efficiency diesel turbines, the fact that
        flexible dispatch gas engine power plants,   dispatches will remain relatively low, and the enablement of renewable energy into the
        a scale which previously would have been   power system, the trade-offs could be worth it for a few years until carbon-free options
        declared too small to make sense.    become viable. A point which is further strengthened in Africa which is starved of
           Now arguably, one could say that ‘it   economic development, and which only contributes to 3% of the global greenhouse gas
        isn’t true until it’s done’ however, there   emissions.
        are examples of <500 MW LNG-to-power   So, what does all of this tell us? Firstly, the need for gas to ensure the reliability of the
        projects which have successfully reached   power supply is undeniable and that dispatches ranging from 5 to 50% could easily be
        commercial operations. A case in point   anticipated at any time over the life of the plant.
        is the recently commissioned Energia   Secondly, there are case studies which show that smaller, flexible gas-to-power
        del Pacifico project in El Salvador which   projects are achievable and that there is an urgent need for these projects to assist in
        consists of a 378 MW onshore gas engine   alleviating South Africa’s current power crisis.
        power plant coupled to a dedicated, and   And finally, not only is gas enabling a more sustainable power system by supporting
        permanently moored, FSRU. This is the   the introduction of renewable energy, but in itself is also on a fast-track transition to
        first LNG-to-power project in El Salvador,   becoming carbon-free - through the development of carbon-free fuels – ensuring the
        which will supply flexible and reliable   lifetime role of gas in our power system.
        power to support the grid with increasing   Now, back to my second cup of tea, generously powered by the rays of sun that have
        renewable energy.                    managed to escape through the clouds…
            So, it is becoming clear that gas
        plays an important role in improving   Wayne Glossop is a power systems engineer and business development manager at Wärtsilä.
        the reliability of the power system,
        but no discussion is complete without   Contact Wayne Glossop, Wärtsilä, Phone 021 511-1230,
        considering the environmental impacts,

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