Page 16 - Issue 4 2023
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        pressure cells which hold pollutants   Kusile’s construction began in 2008 and is only scheduled to end in 2024. Units
        down above the city. SO 2 and other   1 and 2 were synchronised to the grid during March and July of 2017, and Unit 3
        oxides react with other compounds in   in March 2019. Unit 4 was synchronised in December 2021, Unit 5 is scheduled for
        the atmosphere creating precipitants   October this year and Unit 6 is scheduled for May 2024.
        which reduce visibility and can        Kusile power station is the only South African power plant to have installed FGD.
        stain and damage rock, statues, and   Being Eskom’s closest coal-fired power station to Gauteng – the county’s most densely
        monuments.                           populated province – FGD was deemed necessary to limit the amount of air pollution
           Although allowing Kusile to       the power station would produce.
        operate without FGD would potentially   However, with the power station already way over budget and still incomplete,
        lessen load shedding, Eskom cannot   FGD seems to be a luxury the state-owned power utility cannot afford. The pressure to
        guarantee that thereafter, load      reduce load shedding seems to trump the clean-air imperative.
        shedding would remain between
        Stages 2 and 3. The exemption is     References
        requested with the idea that Kusile   -  Green Peace Report Microsoft Word - Global Hotspot and Emission Sources for
        would produce 800 MW; however,         SO2_16_August 2019.docx (
        considering that the energy availability   -  MES Amendment 421: National Environmental Management :Air Quality Act
        factor for four units has not increased   39/2004: Amendment of the listed Activities and Associated Minimum Emission
        above 45,7%, this is highly unlikely.  Standards Identified in terms of Sec 21 (
           The only affordable repair option
        is to construct a temporary chimney
        which will take 12 months to build. It
        is estimated that repairs would take
        two years to complete, and cost about
        R250 million. Tender processes must
        be approved, a contract must be drawn
        up and signed, and the necessary
        resources must be made available.
           In 2020, Barbara Creecy, the
        Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the
        Environment, signed an amendment
        to the National Environmental
        Management: Air Quality Act 39
        of 2004, stating that despite new
        regulations allowing 500 mg/Nm  of
        SO 2 emission from industries such
        as coal-fired power plants, “existing
        plants shall comply with a new plant
        emission limit of 1000 mg/Nm  for
        sulphur dioxide (SO 2).”
           The initial amendment from 3500 mg/
        Nm  to 500 mg/Nm , and the amendment
        for existing industries to comply with
        1000 mg/Nm  was surrounded by
        controversy, as environmentalists
        argued the emission allowance
        exception was too high – double the first
        amendment – and industries affected
        by it said it was unreasonable to expect
        immediate compliance, given the state
        of the South African economy. As a
        result, postponement or suspension
        of compliance applications were made

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