Page 22 - Issue 4 2023
P. 22
Battery energy storage Design and elegance
system A final issue which is receiving a lot of attention is the design of the systems to be
The battery management system visually acceptable. Much of the equipment will be mounted indoors and today’s
(BMS) controls the charge and inverters, battery systems and switchgear are all designed to look like any other
discharge of the strings in the battery indoor appliance.
unit to ensure maximum energy
recovery and optimum use of the References
storage. Different strings have slightly 1. R Shah: “Latest Advancements in Solar Technology for Residential Applications”, Altenergymag,
December 2022
different characteristics and the BMS 2. Omron: “PID-preventive transformerless PV inverter”, Omron Corporation white paper, 2017
ensures that every string is charged 3. Huawei: “Fusion: Residential and commercial smart PV solution”, Huawei Technology
company, 2020
and discharged equally. Advanced 4. Huawei “Smart IV curve Diagnosis”, Huawei Technology company 2017
systems allow recovery of 100% of the
stored energy. Send your comments to
(a) High string resistance (b) Hidden cracks
(c) Dirt on panel (d) Glass breakage
(e) Partial shading
Figure 6: IV curves of affected panels (Huawei)
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