Page 24 - Issue 4 2023
P. 24
(a) 150 W 250 Wh unit (b) 500 W 500Wh unit
Figure 2: Portable power stations (Gizzu, ecoflow)
developed for a AC supply that could power laptops, of the popular sizes when approached and reported a high
printers and perhaps a TV and decoder for more than two demand for certain sizes. There is at present a wide range of
hours without requiring extension cables or permanent models of both types available from several manufacturers and
wiring, to be able to run to them. numerous suppliers.
Industry responded with the portable power supply
that was originally developed for the outdoor market. This
unit is not a UPS and requires separate charging. Portable
units, equipped with Li-ion batteries, are available in sizes
from 150 W to 500 W with capacities ranging from 150
Wh to 500 Wh (Figure 2).
Larger units are available, up to 2 kW in capacity, but
size and weight places a limitation on portability. The
units are equipped with a 3 pin socket, as well as USB and
DC outlets. The units can be charged from a 12 V mains
adaptor, a solar panel or a car battery socket.
The 150 W unit will not quite manage to power a
TV/sound bar/decoder combination but will handle a
laptop and several lights or a radio comfortably. The
next size up, in the region of 300 W, should handle the
above-mentioned combo for about two hours. The larger
capacity units will power heavier loads through the
normal load shedding period.
The advantage of the smaller units is portability, as SUPPLYING INDUSTRIAL AND
they can be moved from one appliance to another. The SPECIALTY GAS PRODUCTS TO THE
disadvantage is that they have to be charged after use SOUTHERN AFRICAN REGION
and cannot be left plugged in. Features include some
intelligent protection against over-charging and over-
The units have proven to be very popular, possibly
among people who cannot extend their budget to a
large backup unit and do not like wires trailing all over
their houses. Several distributors were out of stock
24 | energize Issue 4 | 2023 SUBSCRIBE FREE