Page 6 - Energize Issue 1 2023
P. 6


           If the values are Good, continue   PROPERTY            CATEGORY   GOOD          FAIR       POOR
        with the current sample interval action   Breakdown voltage (kV)   O, A, D   >60   50 to 60   <50
        plan.                                                     B, E       >50           40 to 50   <40
           If the values are Fair, more
        frequent sampling is recommended                          C          >40           30 to 40   <30
        in collaboration with other parameter                     F          <30 kV for OLTC in star point application
        results like the water content, DDF                                  <40 kV for OLTC in delta or line-end application
        (dielectric dissipation factor) and                       G                                   <30
        acidity.                              Table 3: Breakdown voltages
           If the values are Poor, immediate
        action is required. Excess water in
        the transformer system decreases     apply to transformers with operating   might move into the transformer or
        transformer life significantly; an   temperatures between 40 and 70°C.    electrical equipment through leaks. This
        extremely high-water content can     If it is found that the unit’s operating   problem might be more severe if the
        cause flashover in the unit, resulting   temperature is outside this range, it is   transformer or electrical equipment is
        in loss of the asset. The oil should   best to refer to Annex A of the standard.  outside and not in a covered area.
        be reconditioned. If alternative tests   When the value obtained through
        indicate severe ageing, the oil can   analyses is Good, normal sampling   Please click here the read the full
        be replaced with new or reclaimed    interval can be maintained.          version which includes discussion on the
        oil. Another option would be to        When the value returns a Fair      following tests:
        perform on-site oil reclamation using a   result, more frequent sampling is   •  Acidity (mgKOH/g oil) neutralisation
        reclamation plant.                   recommended. It is also helpful to     number
           Reclamation of oil has the        consider other parameters like the   •  Dielectric dissipation factor at 40 Hz
        advantage that the colour of the oil is   breakdown voltage, particle content and   to 60 Hz at 90°C
        restored, and the polar components are   DDF/resistivity, and acidity to decide on   •  Resistivity (GΩm) at 20°C or 90°C
        removed. This process removes acid   the action to be implemented.        •  Inhibitor content %
        and water as well as other compounds.   A Poor result will require immediate   •  Passivator content
        Another advantage is that the oil can be   action from the asset manager. This   •  Sediment and sludge
        re-used, and, mostly, this can be done   might include taking another sample to   •  Interfacial tension
        without switching off the unit, which   confirm the results. If high water content   •  Corrosive sulphur
        contributes to cost-saving.          is confirmed, the oil can be filtered; this   •  Particle counting and sizing
           This is a routine test for all classes of   process should remove a large portion   •  Flashpoint (°C)
        electrical equipment, except class G.  of the moisture from the oil. Follow-up   •  PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)
           These test results should always   samples need to be taken to ensure   •  DGA (dissolved gas analysis)
        be considered in conjunction with    that the moisture content is still within
        the breakdown strength. If it is found   the required limits. The reason is that   Conclusion
        that the water content is high, and   the most significant portion of the   Transformer condition monitoring is an
        the breakdown strength is low, further   water is caught up in the paper system   interlaced, highly exciting field of study.
        action is needed. It is recommended   in the transformer. This moisture will   In this article, we focused on the types of
        that a second sample from the same   move from the paper into the oil under   tests to determine the condition of the
        unit is tested to confirm the results.   conditions that favour this movement. It   transformer, the critical values, and the
           In the case of switching equipment,   might be found later that the oil in the   recommended actions.
        where there is no paper present, the   water has increased again without any   The Health Index indication
        breakdown voltage is the determining   apparent reason, but the source would   makes it possible to see the supposed
        factor.                              be the paper in the transformer.     reliability of a specific unit at a specific
           It should be noted that the limits   A visual inspection is also       date and time. This makes it possible
        indicated by IEC 60422 Edition 4     recommended to determine if any water   to ensure best practice application and
                                                                                  optimised maintenance. It also makes
                                                                                  it easier to draw up a maintenance and
         PROPERTY            CATEGORY   GOOD          FAIR       POOR             action plan.
         Water content (mg/kg   O, A    <15           15 to 20   >20
         at transformer      B, D       <20           20 to 30   >30              Click here to find the references
         operating temperature)   C, E   <30          30 to 40   >40
                             F          Action necessity >40                      Contact WearCheck,
                                                                                  Phone 031 700-5460,
                             G          Not a routine test              ,
         Table 4: Water content (mg/kg at transformer operating temperature)

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