Page 7 - EngineerIT June 2022
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        promoting data sovereignty on the    scalability, and ease of use. Concurrently, there is a worldwide move towards hosting
        continent. Currently, it is estimated   data where it is eventually consumed, not only in a move to lower latency, and with
        that Africa hosts fewer than 1% of the   it the costs associated with data travelling for long distances, but also to protect data
        globe’s co-location data centres, with   under increasingly stringent data residency and sovereignty laws. Africa is also starting
        South Africa boasting the lion’s share   to level up with its international counterparts. Several of its economies are booming,
        of the continent’s capacity. Colocation   its ICT infrastructure is improving, and its labour costs, which are relatively inexpensive,
        facilities, such as Africa Data Centres,   are making the continent an attractive proposition for outside investment as well as
        rent space, power and cooling to     outsourcing.
        enterprise and hyperscale clients, and   However, digital connectivity and data centres are the foundation for cloud
        provide interconnection, which allows   technologies, and are therefore critical for strengthening the digital economy. We
        organisations to scale with minimum   understand that promoting a knowledge-based economy by enabling Africa to harness
        complexity and at greatly reduced cost.   the incredible power of ICTs, will increase the competitiveness and financial health of
        An increasing number of businesses in   the continent. Building more data centres in Africa will help realise productivity gains
        Africa are making use of data centres to   across a wide variety of industries, including education, healthcare, financial services,
        access public cloud-based services from   agriculture, retail and government. The power of ICTs when it comes to transforming
        hyperscale giants such as Amazon Web   societies is well understood, particularly in less developed regions, as ICTs are known
        Services, Microsoft Azure, Google and   to promote growth and prosperity, and bring greater inclusion, social cohesion and
        others.                              sustainability.
           I believe we can expect to see
        a considerable wave of data centre   Breaking down barriers
        investments across Africa, with      Let’s look at some of the ways digitisation can break down traditional barriers for Africa.
        economic leaders such as South       Firstly, it promotes better trade and business processes which results in lowered costs
        Africa, Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria at the   and economies of scale. Data costs and search costs will drop, co-ordinating logistics
        vanguard. These areas will act as hubs   for delivery channels is enhanced, regulatory inefficiencies are removed, and imports
        to service other regions in the area, and   and exports can run more smoothly. In general, businesses can become more agile and
        already we are noticing big tech giants   resilient to changing market conditions as well as disasters.
        in the US eye Africa for investment.   Moreover, digitisation promotes the quicker and easier flow of information, enabling
        However, Africa Data Centres is leading   African businesses to participate more effectively in the global supply chain. Digital
        this charge, with our announcement   platforms have proved their worth time and time again, when it comes to connecting
        in September last year that we are   buyers and sellers across a wide range of jurisdictions. It also removes onerous and
        planning to build several data centers   time-consuming processes all along the value chain. Sharing of information digitally
        across a range African countries over   enables a better and more thorough market intelligence and deeper knowledge of an
        the next two years. Our aim is to    organisation’s customers, growing access to more trade opportunities. Again, more
        invest $500 million in this expansion,   knowledge and more information means a greater ability to participate in global value
        which is the greatest in Africa to date,   chains.
        and will double our already extensive   Another sector that should never be discounted is the small to medium-sized
        footprint on the continent. We have   enterprise sector, which makes up the majority of Africa’s businesses. These entities are
        already begun to acquire land in several   less likely to have capacity when it comes to financing options, as well as the digital skills
        countries and plan to roll-out very   necessary to adapt their business operations to compete in today’s regional and global
        quickly to meet the burgeoning needs   markets. Digital technologies can boost their access to these markets, by lowering the
        of existing customers, as well as new   barriers to business expansion while driving the development of more efficient services
        ones.                                for Africa’s consumers. Furthermore, digitalisation helps to gain access to critical credit
                                             facilities, crowdfunding, and other less demanding funding and payment options for
        The accelerated adoption of cloud    smaller companies to grow their capacity, and enable them to extend their reach to
        When it comes to the demand which    serve a larger base of customers.
        is driving our investment, the ongoing
        and accelerated adoption of cloud    Realising digital ambitions
        technologies means that an increasing   We have also witnessed a soaring demand from hyperscalers, key cloud operators as
        number of organisations, especially ones   well as multi-national enterprises that already use our facilities, and are showing a keen
        involved in financial services, healthcare   interest in being a part of bringing digitalisation at scale Africa, to help the continent
        and manufacturing, are starting to   reach its digital ambitions. In ending, I’d like to say that data centres are at the core of
        move more data and processes off-    ICT economic growth and are key to promoting rich and self-sufficient ICT ecosystems
        premise, and into hosted data centres.   in Africa. At Africa Data Centres, we are proud to be leading the data centre charge in
        This is due mainly to the extremely   Africa, and helping every region in which we operate to create job opportunities across
        compelling benefits that cloud offers,   a range of industries, and uplift the communities in which we work, and ultimately, help
        such as its pay-as-you-use model, easy   Africa realise its digital goals.                              n

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