Page 5 - Issue 2 2023
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One-stop shop for metrology services
in support of African trade
eliable measurements are vital are sustainable, affordable and easily accessible.
not only to verify that products The showcase instrument in the reference material production facility is the patented
Rand services comply with the Resodyn Resonant Acoustic Mixer ™ (RAM) 5, which possesses multiple functional
legislation that exists to protect the benefits over other traditional mixers. This production-scale, state-of-the-art technology
consumer and our environment, but is designed to mix notoriously difficult substances without the need for impellers or
also to support trade and industry. agitators. The RAM uses sound energy to effectively and efficiently process powders,
Reliable measurements in analytical pastes, liquids, and combinations thereof with breakthrough speed, quality and
testing laboratories can only be repeatability. The RAM 5 is complemented by a laboratory-scale bench-top mixer, the
achieved through the use of accurate LabRAM II unit, which is used for visualising the mixing behaviour of materials, during
measurement standards also known as small-scale research and testing. The mix parameters can then be scaled up to the RAM 5
reference materials (RMs). for pilot-scale production. Materials produced here are analysed by the NMISA materials
The National Metrology Institute characterisation unit, where a host of analytical techniques such as scanning electron
of South Africa (NMISA) established its microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), particle size distribution (PSD) and
reference material production facility to X-ray diffraction (XRD) are applied.
provide laboratories with Africa-relevant One of the many benefits of the RAM 5 is that it uses less energy, making it a green
RMs. These RMs are used for quality technology. Fundamentally, this machinery uses low frequency (sound) waves to achieve
control, method validation and to
establish measurement traceability. The
use of RMs and regular participation in
proficiency testing allows laboratories
to demonstrate continued analytical
The reference material production
facility is equipped with state-of-
the-art equipment that allows the
Institute to process diverse materials
according to the requirements of the
international standard ISO 17034 for
reference material producers. The
various equipment available in the
facility makes it possible for the Institute
to mill, mix, sieve, freeze-dry and
package different materials in suitable
packaging for an extended shelf-life, and
store them in temperature-monitored
refrigeration facilities.
NMISA is a leading National
Metrology Institute (NMI) in Africa, and
by providing excellent and internationally
recognised quality certified RMs, it
shortens the traceability chain for other
NMIs on the continent. Through this
facility, the Institute aims to enable fair
and free trade by ensuring that labs
involved in testing and calibration have The Resonant Acoustic Mixer (RAM) 5 uses sound energy to process powders, pastes, liquids or
access to its reference materials which combinations thereof effectively and efficiently with breakthrough speed, quality and repeatability.
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