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resonance and once this is achieved, it reference material production facility, but it can also meet clients’ additional needs for
requires less energy to mix chemicals. It is calibration and analysis through other services from the physics and electromagnetism
built on flexible and universal processing (PEM) and chemistry, materials and medical metrology (CMM) divisions. Analysis and
options like vacuum, temperature calibration training is provided through its recently established training centre.
control, and customised mixing vessels. As an entity funded by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC),
The other benefit is that it does not, like NMISA recognises the importance of making these technologies available to all potential
other mixers, have blades. This means it users who would otherwise not have access to them due to cost and infrastructure
does not have a lot of contact with the constraints. This enables NMISA to assist potential users to develop innovative products
material whilst mixing. It therefore does that they otherwise may not have been able to. Access to NMISA’s technology also means
not require a lot of cleaning, making it access to the Institute’s skills and expertise, providing a boost to entrepreneurs and
easy to maintain. small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa and on the continent. African
The applications of this technology countries no longer need to turn to international partners when these measurement
are endless. This mixing technology solutions are available in South Africa.
can benefit, among other things, the NMISA remains dedicated to supporting trade and industry, enabling new product
nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, mining development and manufacturing, supporting entrepreneurs and SMEs, creating
and energy sectors. Its advantages extend employment and enhancing the African economy.
to a myriad of uses and applications such
as dental products, batteries, ceramics, Contact us at to find out how our measurement
lubricants, pigments, adhesives, sealants solutions can benefit you.
and advanced materials, to list but a few.
The technology can contribute
significantly to the cosmetics space,
especially the essential oils market,
making it easy for clients to blend their
essential oils with other materials such
as moisturisers and creams, or blends
with other oils. This is further supported
by NMISA’s essential oils testing services
offered through the Africa Reference
Institute. The ARI provides supporting
information about the material that
has been tested and the content of
the test certificates. In this instance,
clients can benefit from more than just
using the acoustic mixer. There are also
services available to bottle and label
these products, as the production facility
label printer complies with the globally
harmonised system of classification and
labelling of chemicals (GHS).
Since the acquisition of the
technology in 2017, NMISA has found
great value in contributing to fields such
as feed additives, pre-detonation mixes
and biofuels. For the most part, the
Institute has been using the technology –
which provides the best performance in
terms of homogeneity and reproducibility
– for reference materials production.
NMISA prides itself on being a “one-
stop shop” for metrology services in
Africa. Not only can the Institute prepare The laboratory-scale bench-top mixer, the LabRAM II unit, is used for visualising the mixing
and mix products for clients through the behaviour of materials, during small-scale research and testing.
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