Page 10 - Issue 2 2023
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agents don’t have to be involved at all. ad, a virtual agent opens and in one touch walks you through the required process and
The virtual agent can close the deal on gets your insurance approved there and then.
their own, where regulations allow and
the virtual agent can access the relevant No more ‘digital fishing’
ordering systems to complete the sale. Ultimately, that’s the real power of virtual agents. They can dramatically reduce, or
Let’s say you’re in the market for a even eliminate, the need for human agents to engage in “digital fishing expeditions”. In
new mountain bike, for example. Google doing so, they significantly reduce the cost of taking a person from a prospect to a lead
might pick up on those searches and and, ultimately, a customer. In a world where business is more competitive than ever
serve you ads asking if you’d like to and every sale is important, those efficiencies represent a critical advantage for any
insure your new bike. If you click on the organisation willing to invest in it.
Robots to sanitise hospitals
atient and healthcare worker in hospitals, such as wiping and scrubbing, are often inadequate and can even
safety in South African hospitals promote germ resistance.
Pis set to reach a new level “The HERO21 provides the highest level of disinfection performance and thus
of excellence with the launch of offers optimal protection. When first disinfecting contaminated rooms with the
the revolutionary HERO21 robotic HERO21, the cleaning staff who normally work at the front line are exposed to a far
sanitisation system – the first two lower risk of infection,” Makhubedu says.
units of which have been installed at UVC radiation destroys all pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, in the
the Polokwane Provincial Hospital. targeted environment. Because UVC radiation is effective on its own, the HERO21
The HERO21 is used in medical robot is a dry, chemical-free system.
environments as well as in other The HERO21 system is effective in high-risk areas including operating theatres,
industries to disinfect rooms, protect emergency rooms and ICUs, as well as in other hospital settings. Because UVC
employees and significantly reduce radiation is dangerous, people are removed from the room to be sanitised and the
the risk of infections. The robotic robot moves through the space. Disinfection is achieved automatically, precisely,
system was developed by German quickly and efficiently.
company ICA Health, endorsed The robot achieves a disinfection level of over 99.99 percent with a coverage of
by Ruhr University Bochum and 360 degrees in the designated area. The cleaning cycle takes between two to three
global electronics group OMRON minutes to disinfect an average sized room such as an operating theatre. The robot’s
Corporation. OMRON is responsible navigation system in the target area is driven by OMRON LD90 robotics.
for the production of the robotics Apart from applications in the medical and healthcare sectors, the HERO21 is also
components, which are supported by suited to other industries such as hotels, restaurants and catering, pharmaceuticals
its South African operation. and corporate office buildings.
While sanitising systems have
been in use for years, the COVID
pandemic motivated ICA Health to
ramp up the development of a robust
system for hospitals.
Robert Makhubedu, business
development manager at Mamello
Clinical Solutions (MCS), the exclusive
distributor in sub-Saharan Africa,
explains: “The HERO21 robot
incorporates pioneering ultraviolet-C
disinfection technology, which
addresses the hygiene challenges of
our time.”
Conventional disinfection methods
10 | EngineerIT Issue 2 | 2023 SUBSCRIBE FREE