Page 18 - Education Supplement_Issue 1_2023
P. 18

teyn City School, situated in    allows for a student school experience   also emphasises the importance of sport
            the scenic and iconic Steyn      that is progressive yet values based. As   and physical activity to achieve a healthy,
       SCity Parkland Residence in           a result, all who make up the Steyn City   well-rounded lifestyle. With this in mind,
        Johannesburg’s New North, offers an   School community know that we can   we offer excellent facilities and a team
        independent education to girls and boys   achieve our full potential in every area   of specialised coaches headed by the
        from Grades 000 to 12.               of school life. We discover knowledge   Deputy Head in charge of Co-Curricular
                                             with curiosity and delight, compete with   Activities. Students can participate in
        Steyn City School creates an environment   commitment and confidence, perform   cricket, football, netball, tennis, golf,
        that is stimulating and conducive to   with creativity and artistry, live with   hockey, equestrian sports, trail running,
        developing free, creative, independent,   care and respect, lead with courage and   and mountain biking. The indoor Aquatic
        and critical thinkers inside and outside   restraint, and serve with humility and   Centre, where students compete in
        the classroom. This forward-thinking   generosity.                        swimming and water polo in a heated
        approach sets Steyn City School apart. It                                 pool, includes a Learn-to-Swim pool for
        is nurtured not only through a teaching   Our offering emphasises personal   those still building their confidence in the
        philosophy that inspires students but   growth, leadership, community spirit,   water. In addition, AstroTurf provides a
        through a magnificent environment that   and innovation. Our school philosophy   world-class hockey facility.

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