Page 4 - Education Supplement February 2025
P. 4
Tippie does maths
ippie the Elephant started off as One of the main subjects we focus on is
a reading series, but gradually maths, and the latest level in the series is
Tdeveloped into a full-blown, now available. “Tippie does maths” offers
essential educational companion for a fun and unique way to master numeracy
schools, teachers and homeschoolers. skills. The Level 3 mathematics series builds
The range of products will help and on the prior knowledge from Level 2, further
guide children from as young as 2 years enhancing the foundational
old and give them the necessary tools to blocks of mathematical literacy.
thrive in any learning environment. Level 3 allows children to learn
and apply various skills through
All the products are affordable and very specific themes.
good value for money, and of course, we
are proudly South African – everything “Tippie does maths” is progressive, and
is written, printed and published locally! we recommend starting with Book 1 to
The content is carefully curated to ensure retention. The broad outcomes for
focus on the learning outcomes set out this series include numbers, operations,
in the National Curriculum because and relationships. Patterns, functions, “Tippie does maths” is an excellent
the developers of the different series and algebra, as well as space, shape, educational choice as it is an entertaining,
are not merely writers but teachers, measurement, and data handling, are interactive series that will give your child a
specialists and various therapists. It is presented progressively. “Tippie does maths” head start in mathematical literacy!
not only suitable for Home Language, Level 3 focuses on an extended number range
but also First additional language and and includes functional outcomes. Clear For more information on all our Tippie
the outcomes are very specific and progression and curriculum extension are products, please visit and
measurable. integral parts of the series.