Page 5 - Education Supplement February 2025
P. 5

Dear Readers,                        academic results. Others are tackling   a gap between awareness and
                                             one of parents’ biggest decisions:   real understanding. True inclusion
        Education isn’t what it used to be –   choosing between Maths and Maths   isn’t about forcing neurodivergent
        thankfully. The world is changing fast,   Literacy. The old thinking that one is   children to fit into a rigid system –
        and the best schools understand      superior to the other is finally being   it’s about creating environments
        that keeping up isn’t just about     challenged, with more schools        where they don’t have to.
        technology. It’s about recognising   helping parents make informed
        how children learn, think, and interact   choices based on what’s right for their   The best schools get this. They see the
        with the world around them. The      child, not outdated expectations.    whole child, not just their test scores.
        schools leading the way aren’t just                                       They prepare students for life, not just
        following trends – they’re shaping   But education isn’t just about       for the next exam. In this edition, we
        an approach to education that looks   academics. Emotional dysregulation   celebrate those schools – the ones
        beyond textbooks and exams to what   in children with ADHD isn’t a        building a future where every child,
        really matters.                      phase they’ll grow out of – it’s a   no matter how they learn or process
                                             lifelong challenge that needs the    the world, has the support, skills, and
        This edition highlights those schools   right support. Sensory-seeking    confidence to thrive.
        that embrace robotics and coding,    behaviour isn’t about bad manners;
        not just as add-ons but as essential   it’s a child’s way of managing an   Warm regards,
        tools for building problem-solving   overwhelming world. And while
        skills, creativity, and adaptability –   neurodiversity is getting more
        traits that matter just as much as   attention than ever, there’s still   Editor

                                                                                   Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd trading
                                                                                   as EIA Publishing -
        Cover   Dibber International Preschools                                    Johannesburg Office:
        Inside Front Cover   The American International School                     32 Fricker Road, Illovo Boulevard,
        2  Penguin Random House South Africa: Tippie does maths!                   Illovo
        3  Editor’s message, Contents, Credits
        4  Building skills for tomorrow: The role of robotics in education         Publisher: Nico Maritz:
        6  Dibber International Preschools
        8  Kyalami Schools                                                         Marketing & National Sales
        10  Maths or Maths Lit? Making the right choice for your child             Manager: Martin Fourie:
        12  Brescia House School                                                   072 835 8405,
        14  Uplands College                                              
        16  St Mary’s School                                                       Editor: Nicola Killops:
        17  Hatfield Online School                                       
        18  St Peter’s Boys Prep School                                            Production Coordinator:
        20  Emotional dysregulation and ADHD: It’s not just a phase, it’s a lifelong challenge  Chris Grant:
        22  Steyn City School                                            
        26  Lonehill International                                                 Designer: Adéle Gouws:
        28  Southdowns College                                           
        30  The American International School
        32  Stadio                                                                 Distributed in print and digitally to
        36  Bounce Inc                                                             the residents of various security
        38  Pinnacle College Waterfall                                             estates in Gauteng.
        40  Neurodiversity: What it is and what it isn’t
        42  Abbotts High School                                                    COPYRIGHT: No part of this
        44  Dainfern College                                                       publication may be reproduced
                                                                                   without the permission of the
        46  Treverton Preparatory School
                                                                                   publishers. The views expressed
        48  Tyger Valley College
                                                                                   in the articles are not
        50  Six ways to support sensory-seeking behaviour in children
                                                                                   necessarily those of
        52  Heron Bridge College
                                                                                   EIA Publishing,
        54  Nedbank Limited
                                                                                   the residential
        56  Discovery Soccer Park
                                                                                   estates, nor of
        Inside Back Cover   Maragon Olympus and Discovery Soccer Park
                                                                                   the advertisers.
        Back Cover   Kearsney College
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