Page 9 - Education Supplement February 2025
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develop the critical skills they need to thrive With operations in South Africa having
in an ever-evolving global landscape, all commenced in 2022, Dibber has successfully
while adhering to the high standards set established a strong presence, now operating
forth by local legislation. Our preschools 12 preschools that cater for over 1,200
provide a secure and empowering children. This growth reflects the same
environment where everyone can flourish. commitment to quality education that Dibber
From the children in our centres to the has demonstrated across its global network.
employees in our extensive network, we In addition to its presence in South Africa,
share a unified belief in the inherent worth Dibber operates in eight other countries,
of every individual and their limitless including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany,
potential to thrive,” adds Assis. and beyond, reinforcing its dedication to
providing excellent early childhood education
Dibber has solidified its position as the internationally. This global reach ensures that
largest provider of early childhood education Dibber’s values of nurturing young learners and
in Northern Europe by adopting a quality- fostering holistic development are implemented
driven, research-based approach to consistently across diverse regions.
education. Their motto, “Driven by Heart,”
emphasises the significance of fostering From Finland to South Africa, Dibber reaffirms
meaningful relationships and valuing others. its commitment to delivering exceptional
This heart-centric culture is seamlessly education and empowering young children to
integrated at every level of Dibber’s realise their full potential. For additional details,
operations and can be experienced firsthand contact Dibber on or visit
at each Dibber facility. their website at
Dibber’s Global Presence
Across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, Dibber develops and manages
high quality schools and preschools. Walking into a Dibber International centre,
with world-class amenities and facilities, children and adults alike will experience
warmth and a sense of belonging.
Pedagogues Preschools Years of Children
Experience Welcomed Daily