Page 14 - Outdoor Living October 2024
P. 14


        THE MAGIC

        OF GROWING

        UP IN A GARDEN

            or many of us, the garden was   while digging for "treasures" or the thrill   1. The Mud Kitchen
            more than just a patch of grass —   of finding an ant colony could spark   A mud kitchen is an incredible source
       Fit was a place where imagination    endless curiosity. Whether it was the   of imaginative play. Equipped with a
        took flight. As children, we transformed   rustling of leaves overhead or the cool   few old pots, pans, and a water source,
        humble backyards into vast kingdoms,   shade of a tree, these experiences   children can “cook” mud pies, craft
        laboratories for scientific discoveries,   became the backdrop of our childhood   imaginary soups, and host backyard
        and adventurous playgrounds.        adventures.                         feasts. This tactile play strengthens fine
        Investigating bugs, building forts,                                     motor skills, while the open-ended nature
        making mud pies, and even daring    Encouraging Creativity              of the activity encourages creativity.
        to drink from the hose were all part   Through Play
        of the adventure. A garden provided   As parents, we want to recreate these   2. Bug Investigations
        the perfect canvas for young minds to   magical moments for our children.   Set up a "bug hotel" using hollowed-out
        dream, create, and explore.         Gardens can once again be a         logs, leaves, and small stones. Encourage
                                            sanctuary of creativity and discovery.   children to observe, learn, and even draw
        In those moments, surrounded by the   Designing spaces that encourage free   the insects they find. The simple act of
        simple beauty of nature, we became   play and exploration can inspire a love   watching ants march or butterflies flutter
        explorers, architects, and storytellers.   for nature while supporting your child's   around sparks curiosity about the natural
        The feel of soft dirt between fingers   development.                    world.

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