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pet owner becomes known to the Estate 8.3.1 The public open spaces and common against them. Damage caused by residents
Manager, a ne may be levied, depending facilities may not be damaged in any way. or their children and guests will be for the
on the circumstances leading to the animal account of the owner.
being outside of the owner’s erf. 8.3.2 No trees or other ora may be removed
from or planted in public open spaces 8.4.7 No rubble or refuse should be dumped
14.6 Residents may not neglect their pets without prior written permission of the Estate or discarded within the public open spaces
by, for example, leaving them to fend for Manager. or on vacant stands or erven. Contraventions
themselves or failing to provide them with will be punishable with prosecution by way of
medical attention. No person may in ict 8.3.3 All dogs must be on a leash when the City Council’s by-laws. Furthermore, the
physical cruelty on a pet or subject it to present in the public open spaces and the Board will remove the rubble or refuse and, in
violence. excrement of the pet must be removed and cases where the perpetrators are known, will
suitably discarded by the pet owner. do so at the costs of the perpetrator.
14.7 Pets may only be walked on a leash in
the public open spaces. It is not the duty of 8.3.4 Pets may not be allowed to enter water 8.4.8 Littering of any kind is strongly
Security to take care of your pets or run after features. prohibited and a ne will be issued for this
them. Ensure pets are within your property o ence. The Estate Manager may issue spot
at all times. 8.3.5 No persons other than residents or their nes for dumping or littering. A particular
guests may use the walkways or public open appeal is made to residents to develop the
14.8 Residents must, at least once a day, spaces. habit of picking up and disposing of any litter
remove any defecation of pets from their encountered in the public open spaces.
erven. The pet owner is responsible to 8.3.6 The dams may not be used for shing or
immediately remove any pet excrement from swimming. 8.4.9 Fauna of any nature may not be harmed
the public open spaces and/or the erven of or trapped in any public open spaces, be it by
other residents. 8.3.7 Vehicles may not be parked in public people or by dogs.
open spaces, except in the designated
14.9 The pet owner will be responsible for parking bays. 8.4.10 Swimming pool water may not be
any damage or injury to property, persons or emptied onto the public open spaces but
other animals within the Golf Estate by his/ 8.4 The following conduct is prohibited or must be channelled into the storm water
her dog/s. not allowed in public or in the public open system. Permanent ducting has to be
spaces, walkways and common facilities: installed by residents who install pools on
FACILITIES 8.4.1 The use of alcohol or illegal substances
(drugs). 8.5 All public open spaces and common
facilities are used at own risk. Any person
8.1 The public open space and common 8.4.2 Excessive noise is not allowed, and present in the Golf Estate or using any of the
facilities are for the bene t and use of all therefore no audible music, loud instruments
residents who shall use and enjoy them or any other form or source of noise (including public open spaces and common facilities
does so entirely at his own risk.; trees and
in such a manner as not to unreasonably vuvuzelas, car hooters, etc) will be allowed. bushes trimmed appropriately. Make sure the
interfere with the use and enjoyment thereof trees in your garden or around your property
by other residents. The public open spaces 8.4.3 No motorised bikes, scooters, quad are not causing your neighbour undue
and common facilities are for the leisure bikes, or motorised toys are allowed.
and use of all residents and their guests, on problems or obstructing tra c signs or view
of oncoming tra c.
condition that such use does not interfere 8.4.4 No braais or open res are allowed.
with, or negatively a ect, the rights of other Above all, be aware of your surroundings,
8.4.5 No temporary or permanent structures as well as your neighbour’s. Keep your eye
including tents, display boards or the on anyone you don’t know who is acting
8.2 The Board reserves the right of admission like, that are not part of the approved suspiciously around your or the neighbour’s
to and use of the public open spaces and landscaping, may be erected. Temporary property. When in doubt, call Security
common facilities. This right to deny a person permission for temporary structures may immediately so they can quickly respond to
admission will only be exercised in respect however be granted by the Estate Manager investigate if there is any intention of criminal
of any person who persistently breaches the upon application by a resident, including
provisions of these rules. Residents shall be for items such as in ated jumping castles. activities.
responsible and accountable for the actions The location, noise levels etc. will be some of We wish you all of the best during the rst
of their guests and must inform their guests the criteria evaluated by the Estate Manager, months of winter. Keep well and keep safe!
and their children of these rules. The BVHOA before permission is granted. BV
reserves the right to have any person(s)
not complying with these rules, removed 8.4.6 Tampering with, and unauthorised use Regards,
from the public open spaces and common of, any equipment or written notices located
in or on the Golf Estate, construction sites or
public open spaces is not allowed, and strong Estate Manager:
8.3 Residents shall comply with the following action will be taken against such o enders, Blue Valley Golf and Country Estate
provisions, in respect of the use of the public which may include laying criminal charges
open spaces and common facilities:
BLUE VALLEY NEWS • Issue 3 2020 • 9