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Kyalami Schools Group (NPC) is reimagining
education! Led by the Group Head of Academics and
Innovation - Mark Naidoo, along with his dedicated
Kyalami Schools
(NPC) team of deputies, Tammy Odendaal, Kim Deirino
and Denise McKee (Kyalami Preparatory), Bobby
Mark Naidoo Preparatory) and Jorge Ruiz-Mesa (Beaulieu
Bain, Debbie Kromm and Debbie Waldron (Beaulieu
College), they have worked to modify the academic
offering to our community of schools.
Here is a snapshot of the considerations and actions
that our amazing academic staff have been
unpacking as they move to online teaching. celebrating
Are brick and mortar schools a thing of the past? Will online THE BENEFITS
learning become the new norm? Teaching and learning is
fundamentally a social activity – can this be replicated with In some ways the move to remote teaching and learning
an online learning approach? Recent media articles and has yielded positive outcomes for education, with the under-
interviews voice their opinions on the above questions, a standing that the experience is pronounced in independent
number of which are given by technology experts and the schools. We are witnessing an accelerated development of
corporate sector; I wonder if teachers will have their say. more resilient pupils. Better time management, active self-
dicipline, an increase in independent thinking and the use
Our schools have been fortunate enough to transition to an of multiple technologies have become a norm in the current
online learning model given our access to existing technology approach to learning. Teachers are finding new ways to
infrastructure, the agility of staff and availability of pupil engage their pupils and at times, pupils experience a greater level
devices. The rapid response by our management teams has of personal attention through one-to-one interactions. Teacher by #reimaginingeducation
also helped us in preparing for the inevitable changes that will creativity, peer collaboration and peer review of learning material,
take place, post Covid-19. critical thinking and the ability to communicate succinctly via
online mediums have strengthened our 21st century skills.
However, we are acutely aware of the inequalities in South
African education as we note that the majority of pupils in WHY CONSIDER ONE OF THE KYALAMI SCHOOLS?
government schools do not have access to infrastructure,
data and connectivity to support distance learning. In many of Teachers across our campuses accepted the challenge,
these schools, education has ceased for the past few weeks, albeit at short notice, to present their subject content remotely,
driving apart the education gap. in a professional manner. They have also become more The measure of success isn’t always in awards and trophies, sometimes
innovative in their delivery and continue to find ways to sharp- the measure of success is most noticeable in the efforts of humanity,
NEW CHALLENGES en their online skills. As a community of schools, our ability to
work closely as a team and leverage our collective expertise community and caring. We salute the success of our staff, children and
Schools thrive when pupils, parents and staff actively has aided staff to feel secure during these challenging times. parents who have bravely accepted the challenge to keep working during
contribute to the learning experience that does not simply Online teaching and learning demands a range of teaching the Covid-19 lockdown. Thank you for your inspiration and for helping us
focus on academic prowess. Kyalami Schools Group has modalities; our staff continue to explore these modalities and
a holistic approach to education; the emotional, social and determine to remain adaptable. We also maintain the view that reimagining education in the Kyalami Schools Group.
physical well-being of our pupils and staff are of paramount technology remains an enabler – great teachers know how to
importance. While we have modified our programs to offer leverage technology to reach a predetermined objective.
holistic development, it has become a challenge given the
Covid-19 situation. Social interaction and play, especially for As a Group, it has always been our values of Integrity, ADMISSIONS FOR 2021 AND 2022 NOW OPEN
younger children in the pre-primary phase, is a necessary part Consistency, Accountability, Respect and Excellence which
of their development. have driven our commitment to our pupils and parents. Our
values determine who we really are. Access to the Kyalami
Teachers also depend on a social cues to guide their Schools staff and management is seamless, which is
pedagogy. Subsequently, questioning techniques, facilitating important for constructive engagement. The staff go the extra
a meaningful discussion and debating opinions become com- mile (I know this sounds cliché) so that each child is nurtured A community of schools developing global achievers
plicated in an online learning environment. However, adapting and feels part of the greater community. There is an innate
to these environments and learning to navigate an online generosity which our teachers express to pupils in their care
meeting has propelled the pupils forward, teaching them an and our service to parents and pupils remains our core focus.
important skill they will need in the fourth industrial revolution.
Parents who have to manage the availability of devices and ALIS VOLA PROPRIIS
ensure uninterrupted connectivity, while their employers have When all is said and done, our values as a community will
expectations of them, adds a tangible level of stress to many determine how we respond to a completely new approach Beaulieu College Kyalami Beaulieu Kyalami Beaulieu
households. Therefore, we have adopted an asynchronous to learning. We control our response, irrespective of the College Preparatory School Preparatory School Prep Nursery School Nursery School
Nursery School
Preparatory School
approach to allow for flexibility, especially where more than circumstances imposed on us. How we respond now will Grade 8 - 12 Grade 1 - 7 Grade 1 - 7 Grade 000 - 0 Grade 000 - 0
one child needs to access a device per household. We remain certainly have lasting effects on how we reform education
committed as a Group to finding ways to improve the in South Africa. The education system has been reset, not by
situation, within our means. choice. I see this as an opportunity to reimagine education | 010 591 5004 Follow us @KyalamiSchoolsGroup
– if we are completely honest, it’s about time!
KS 2 pages | Reimagining Education EIA DPS.indd 1 5/15/20 1:36 PM KS 2 pages | Reimagining Education EIA DPS.indd 2 5/15/20 1:36 PM