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                           THESE ARE TOUGH TIMES BUT WE CAN

                               EMERGE STRONGER THAN BEFORE

                                                        By Dr Ilse Ruane

                he  current  situation  in  which  we   nd
                ourselves, with Covid-19, can be taxing
            Ton us. These are tough times, but we can
            emerge stronger than before should we work
            actively towards achieving that. I have been
            asked by several clients over the lockdown
            weeks... what are some of the things I have
            observed from this challenging time?

            1. Mindset: stay positive
            As clichéd as it sounds, a positive mindset is a
            small but important part of getting through
            these di cult times. When life takes a turn
            for the worse, we can do one of two things.
            We can remain positive and remind ourselves
            that this will pass and that we will make it
            through...  or  we  can  curl  up  and  become  a
            victim of circumstance and context.  When
            we stay positive, we are putting ourselves in
            the best possible position to make it through
            the challenging times, as well as to become a
            better person in the process.
            It is okay to have down days. Life is not
            perfect... but it de nitely is good.  Our goal
            should not be to create a perfect life but to
            live the best imperfect life we can.  To get up
            every morning and take a good look around
            in a way that takes nothing for granted.
            Practice positivity and gratitude.

            2. Gratitude
            Gratitude  means  showing  appreciation  for
            all the good in life, instead of focusing on
            the negative. Become clear about what you
            appreciate. What are all the things for which
            you are grateful? We tend to be focusing on
            all that we have lost at the moment. Let us
            turn that idea on its head and start focusing   evidence that promotes the stories we want   because that is where the power lies. Make a
            on what we have gained through this   to live.                           list of everything you can control about the
            experience. When we focus on being grateful                              situation and divert all of your focus towards
            for what is going well and what is good, the   It is pointless to learn from the di cult times   those things. Anything that is not on the list,
            problematic context does not go away but it   if what we have learned does  not directly   does not get any focused attention.
            becomes less signi cant and recedes into the   a ect our actions.  We need to take action.
            background.                          Do not stay stuck. Immobility is a breeding   5. Growth through experience
                                                 ground for all sorts of additional issues and   People develop slowly over the course
            3. Change and action                 problems. So, make a list, make some phone   of time. Sometimes we get so focused on
            Currently, there is not much we can change   calls, research something that interests you.     the road ahead, that we never look back
            practically about the situation with lockdowns   Taking action is empowering.  Take action...   to see what we have already travelled. Let
            and levels of confusion. Choices are limited   any form of action, whether big or small.   us pause for a moment and think back to
            but we do have the choice of how we want                                 27 March 2020, day 1 of lockdown…. What
            to respond. There are days when we can work   4. Focus on what you can control, not   has happened in your life between then
            actively to  make  the  situation better.  Often   on what you cannot    and now? Again, focus on the positive
            the solution is not in plain sight, because if it   Some situations are beyond our control, like   things  that  have  occurred.  Perhaps  it  is
            were, we would have found it. But if we can   the infection rate and the political confusion...   more family meals together, perhaps you
            take a step back and see the bigger picture,   and no matter what we do, we cannot   have learned that your child is really good
            we may discover something that can help.   change  those.  We  are  setting  ourselves  up   at technology or perhaps you have done
            By stepping back, we gain perspective and   for frustration when we focus our time and   some research into the behaviour of the
            can look at our experiences and memorable   energy on things we cannot control. We are   new Fish Eagle.
            moments, despite these di cult times. By   also making the situation seem worse perhaps
            staying grounded in our beliefs and value   than  it  actually  is, because we  are  focusing   Experience builds strength and character.
            systems which provide the backbone to our   on the negatives.  We should instead focus   Life is not lived in some distant land of
            life stories, we enable ourselves to seek out   on  the  things  that  are  within  our  control...   ‘someday when everything is perfect’.   It is

            16   •  Issue 3 2020  •  BLUE VALLEY NEWS
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