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             lived here and now.    Yes, by all means we
             can work towards a better tomorrow.    Yet
             to do so, we must navigate the world as it is
             today, successfully. Our happiness depends
             on our self-reliance, our willingness to take
             responsibility for our lives, regardless of who
             or what had a hand in making life the way it is
             now.  It is about taking control of our present
             circumstances and making a  rm choice to
             choose di erently.  It is about having a pro-
             active mindset to life, not a victim mentality.
             The challenge is to stop all the focus going
             towards feeding a  COVID narrative at the
             expense of alternative narratives and stories
             of resilience. Currently, life is challenging
             in terms of the practicalities that we are
             experiencing. But life is also very interesting
             at the moment. Depending on how we
             choose to look at it... we might be pleasantly
             surprised. We need to try and stop expecting
             things to be a certain way. We need to try and
             appreciate them for what they are.

             6. Build your community
             When times are tough, having the right
             people around is one of the most important
             things we can do for ourselves. We want to
             surround ourselves with people who are
             loving, caring, honest and available.  We
             need them to be loving because love makes
             the bad days seem better. Caring, because
             it helps to know someone cares.  Honest
             and available, because we need someone
             who can look us in the eye and tell us the
             truth. Their honesty may be that one piece
             of information you need to get through the
             tough time because their perspective di ers   what has happened to us. There may be new
             from yours. They provide a fresh set of eyes to   ways to approach life, decisions to be made
             the challenge. So, build your community with   and changes to embrace. If we can respond
             people who share the mindset of changing   actively rather than passively, we may be able
             and adapting to the current situation. Grow   to prevent secondary problems. Sometimes
             together and challenge the old ways of doing   adapting to a major upheaval requires being
             things.                             willing to engage in problem-solving and
                                                 trying new things. Adapting can be di cult.
             7. Be kind to yourself              People tend to resist change, especially
             Prioritising self-care is a necessity to survive   when they feel vulnerable or threatened. But   •   Marital, Couples & Family
             any tough situation. The famous adage “you   adapting is a liberating process. Remain open   Therapy
             can’t pour from an empty cup” rings true.   to recreating life as you move into the future.   •   Counselling Children,
             While you might not have time for your   The more we adapt to our situation, the more   Adolescents & Adults
                                                 e ectively we will be able to cope with it...
             usual healthy habits or might not have the   and move forward.              •   “Teen” Challenges
             motivation at the moment, you can still                                     •   Behavioural & Adjustment
             take good care of yourself. For instance, if                                   Challenges
             you cannot prepare a nutritious meal, try   In closing                      •   Stress-Related Challenges
             and order a healthier takeaway option. If   It is easier to get through a di cult time when   •   Adjustment to Depression &
             you cannot go to the gym because it is still   we know the chances of it happening again   Anxiety
             prohibited, go for a walk.          are small. Currently, we are rather confused as   •   Subject & Career Counselling
                                                 to what is happening, and whether life with
             Avoiding negative emotions may feel like   Covid-19 will continue into 2021. However,   •   Psychometric Testing
             an e ective measure but, in fact, it simply   we can still practice acceptance in terms   For an appointment please call
             postpones and perhaps increases negative   of letting go of what we cannot control. By   083 376 1995
             emotions going forward.  You might worry   focusing less on the things we cannot control,
             that your emotions will be too overwhelming.   we start worrying less about these; then we   Fees are charged according to Scale of
             Try and gain a bit of perspective before   will achieve clarity concerning things within   Bene ts
             jumping into the worst-case scenario. If you   our control.
             need help, ask for it. Do not wait until you
             feel completely at a loss.  If you  nd yourself   I am advocating that we call an end to   Pr. Nr. 0860000114022
             in a cycle where the emotions are too much,   the crisis reaction to everything.  When we   Reg. No.: PS 0080543
             contact a professional psychologist for   allow crisis reactions to de ne our lives and
             assistance.                         mindsets, we burn out. We become anxious
                                                 and depressed. We have less energy and less
             8. Adapt and change                 focus to  nd solutions. Calling an end to the
             Our ability to cope relies in part on our ability   crisis reaction helps us shift into a calmer and
             to make adaptive changes in response to   more solution-oriented mindset.   BV

                                                                                         BLUE VALLEY NEWS  •  Issue 3 2020  •  17
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