Page 22 - Boardwalk Issue 1 2025
P. 22
Colour is the first feature COLOUR
we notice on an object TRENDS
or space.
Colour is the first feature T his first perception leads us to conclude whether we like what Colours in the red area of the colour
we notice on an object we see. Colour is important, more so than we generally realise. spectrum are known as warm colours and
Research has shown that a purchase decision is based up to 90%
include red, orange and yellow. These
warm colours evoke emotions ranging
or space. purely on what colour a product has. Therefore, it is fundamental for Colours in the red area of the colour
from feelings of warmth and comfort to
manufacturers and producers to be able to decide exactly the right colour,
feelings of anger and hostility.
his first perception leads us to conclude whether we like what
at the right time.
Tre purely on what colour a product has. Therefore, it is fundamental for include red, orange and yellow. These
we see. Colour is important, more so than we generally realise.
spectrum are known as warm colours and
Colours on the blue side of the spectrum
Research has shown that a purchase decision is based up to 90%
Colour trends are psychology; it is all about understanding which colours
are important and make us feel happy, meaningful and functional. It is
are known as cool colours and include
warm colours evoke emotions ranging
from feelings of warmth and comfort to
manufacturers and producers to be able to decide exactly the right colour,
blue, purple and green. These colours are
fundamental to understand what is happening in our society and how
at the right time.
feelings of anger and hostility.
often described as calm, but can also call
these happenings and events affect us. This means both which colours are
popular and which moods dominate use.
to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.
Colours on the blue side of the spectrum
Colour trends are psychology; it is all about understanding which colours
Certain colours have been associated
The scientific exploration of colour psychology is relatively new, but pe
nds are important and make us feel happy, meaningful and functional. It is ople are known as cool colours and include
blue, purple and green. These colours are
fundamental to understand what is happening in our society and how
with physiological changes, including
have long been interested in the nature and impact of colour. Colours were
these happenings and events affect us. This means both which colours are
increased blood pressure, metabolism, and
often used in ancient cultures to treat different conditions and influence
often described as calm, but can also call
emotions. They also played a role in various spiritual practices.
popular and which moods dominate use.
to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.
Colour is the first thing that we notice
have long been interested in the nature and impact of colour. Colours were
with physiological changes, including
INTERIOR DÉCOR Styles and Trends | ? The scientific exploration of colour psychology is relatively new, but people Certain colours have been associated
on an object or in a space
often used in ancient cultures to treat different conditions and influence increased blood pressure, metabolism, and
emotions. They also played a role in various spiritual practices. eyestrain.
Boardwalk Meander Estate Issue 1 · 2025
INTERIOR DÉCOR Styles and Trends | ?