Page 25 - Boardwalk Issue 1 2025
P. 25


           The wingback chair is an iconic piece
 echnology continues to advance, and   Designers anticipate seeing a lot of statement coffee tables this year, offering a bold   that designers expect to see become
 in 2025, it will become even more   focal point that elevates the living space and infusing a room with personality and   popular again. The wingback chair will
 seamlessly integrated into our homes.   interest through unique materials, bold shapes, or intricate textures. Engage into   return as a preferred accent chair in
 Discreet tech means incorporating smart   the trend with sculptural tables crafted from natural materials and finishes that will   both living rooms and the home office,
 home devices so they blend effortlessly with   stand the test of time. Another way to embrace the statement coffee table trend is   providing a cosy and secure feel. The
 the décor. Hidden speakers, wireless charging   to use an unexpected item instead of a traditional table.  wingback chair dates all the way back
 furniture and voice-controlled lighting are just   to the 1600s, and even though it has
 a few examples.  Curves have come back in a big way over the last year or two, both in furniture and   gone through some stylistic changes, its
 architecture. Curves will expand beyond curved sofas into all furniture forms, from   essence has remained the same: It’s a
 2025, interior design trends embrace casually   beds to chairs and beyond to add softness and warmth to a room. Especially if it is a   cosy yet stately looking chair with a high
 comfortable furniture, focusing on creating   space that architecturally has many straight lines, curved furniture is a great way to   back and wing-like sides, and the perfect
 relaxed spaces without compromising   break it up and add visual interest to a space.  piece for an empty corner or elegant
 on style. It’s all about furniture that is as   home office.
 practical and cosy as aesthetically pleasing.   A trend gaining momentum in 2025 is the rise of furnishings featuring mismatched
 According to experts, oversized sofas, deep-  or unexpected colours, textures and patterns. As homeowners reintroduce colour   Natural wood furniture will play a large
 seated chairs, and rounded edges are key   into their spaces, we foresee a shift from the simple, neutral furnishing that has   role in 2025, due to its uncompromised
 elements of this trend, blending seamlessly   dominated the past five years. Instead, furniture designs are set to take an older,   beauty that highlights the wood’s
 with modern and traditional décor.  more expressive direction this year.  unique characteristics and natural grain.
           Choose natural textiles and fibres like
           organic cotton, wood and Belgian linen
           for a more authentic and sustainable

           Scandinavian design’s smart and clean
           simplicity is not going anywhere in
           2025. By focusing on the combination
           of function and beauty, this classic
           style will still lend itself seamlessly to
           a more elevated design look and feel.
           Scandinavian-style furniture can also
           offer an ideal opportunity to maximize
           the use of any space through multi-
           functional design elements like stylish
           sleeper sofas, extension dining tables and
           modern recliners.

           While it can be easy to focus on things
           like colour palettes and design elements
           when shopping for new furniture,
           consider the experience of sinking into
           a deep-seat sofa. We will be seeing a
           lot of softness, like velvet and mohair.
           These textures can really elevate a space,
           especially because these deep chairs
           bring vibrant energy to a room.

           From Pantone’s colour of the year Mocha
           Mousse to the increasing popularity of
 Fur      FURNITURE   and greens are set to dominate this
           earth tones, it’s no surprise the browns

           year’s sofa trends.

           Speaking of embracing tradition, consider
           going with an old-school silhouette; the
           Chesterfield. It is a timeless design that
 nitu  TRENDS  effortlessly adapts to various interior  Boardwalk Meander Estate  23  Issue 1 · 2025
           styles. Select unexpected upholstery like
           a rich colour or material instead of the
           typical leather to give this tufted style a
           fresh look.

 re    on style.  compromising   without   technology   integrates   l furniture that   Chastifunctiona
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