Page 27 - Boardwalk Issue 1 2025
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                      TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE CONTACT MARTIN ON 072 835 8405

       MEDICAL SERVICES                     Country Estate. Small classes ensure
       DENTAL CARE                          individualised attention. Bilingual, 18   PLUMBING – PLUMB AVID
       Irene Village Care, general dentistry and   months - 4 years of age. Please contact   Drains, leaks, maintenance, installations.
       more. Irene Village Mall.            Suzette on 083 564 3298 or email:    Call 012 654 2513.
       Call: 012 662 0302 / 079 069 4607
       Email: /                                             METRO AIRCONDITIONING          LITTLE EINSTEINS PLAYSCHOOL          SERVICES (PTY) LTD
                                            Exceptional Pre-School in the Cornwall   Contact Metro Airconditioning Services
       PHYSIOXPERT                          Hill Country Estate. Grade 0000-     (Pty) Ltd for all your air-conditioning,
       Dedicated physiotherapists providing a   Grade 0.                         refrigeration, ventilation and extraction
       quality service to increase your quality of   Started in 2003. Highly Qualified   needs. We supply, install, repair and
       life and optimise your performance. Call   Educators.                     maintain all air-conditioning and
       064 661 7764                         Feeder School: Cornwall Hill College.  refrigeration systems. Call us on 060 652
       or book online at                    Sharon Rosema: 082 904 8157          6061 or visit our website:         https// for more info.
                                            Extra Afrikaans lessons Grade 1-10.
       AESTHETICS                           Tutoring:Grade 1-4.                  FTTV DIENSTE CC
       EDELWEISSE TEETH                                                          FTTV Services – Installation, design,
       WHITENING CLINIC                     BRAAI WOOD FOR SALE                  upgrade and repair of:
       UPGRADE YOUR SMILE GAME:             Best quality “sekelbos” wood at a    Home Automation, Home Theatre
       Experience a one-hour teeth whitening   reduced price of R19.99 per bag. We   Systems, Internet, WiFi, Audio & Video,
       session in a tranquil environment in   supply and deliver to your home in Irene   Satellite TV (Dstv or OVHD), Multi Room
       Waterkloof.  Dazzling results guaranteed   Farm Villages and Cornwall Hill. Call Cobus   Audio, CCTV Systems
       4-8 shades lighter.  Only R650.00.     on 072 606 2053 to arrange your order.   Call : 083 654 0634
       Contact Edelweisse on 083 306 9108 to   Nou gaan ons BRAAI!!!
       book your appointment.                                                    GARDENING & LANDSCAPING
                                            HOME SERVICES, BUILDING              GARDEN BOYZ - FOR ALL YOUR
       GENERAL SERVICES                     & MAINTENANCE                        LANDSCAPING NEEDS
       TALLADEGA AUTO CLINIC                ALTOKLEEN (1979)                     New lawns, lawn dressing/compost,
       Bosch car service. Your one-stop vehicle   Pretoria, Centurion, Midrand.   tree felling, garden clean-ups and
       service, repair and diagnostic workshop.   Supervised quality cleaning and pest   garden maintenance.
       Please call Shane Wilson on 012 809   control. Call 072 349 8787/         Contact Jordan on 073 849 0927.
       4472 or email:                       082 395 6449. Open Monday – Saturday              and festive season. Carpets, loose rugs,   LIFESTYLE HOME GARDEN
                                            upholstery, leather, windows, spring   Indigenous and exotic plants, home
       LEARN ENGLISH                        cleaning.                            decor and restaurants.
       AMBASSADOR international English     Email:          Call 011 792 5616.
       Language School.
       Beginner to Advanced & IELTS courses        KJL WOOD & ALU - WOODEN       MADISON FLOWERS
       In-Person or Online                         DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES          Fresh floral arrangements.
       Group Classes or Private Lessons.           AND DECKING                   Call 012 667 1802 / 082 873 3797.
       WhatsApp +27 787 210 541             Maintenance and restoration as well            as new installations: doors, window  MELIA GARDENS
                                            frames, pergolas, decks (wood        Would you like to have a beautiful
       BUSINESS AND EXECUTIVE COACH         and composite decking). General      garden? Our professional, reliable
       Call Cheryl on 076 979 0604          installations and custom joinery.    garden service company can assist you.
       to arrange a COMPLIMENTARY, no-ob-   Please contact Kobus Langeveldt on   We have over 16 years’ experience and
       ligation coaching session and discover   074 615 8579 or email:           also offer pool maintenance services.
       how you can achieve your goals – what              Contact us for a quotation and see how
       have you got to lose? Email:                                              we can maintain your garden and make it         0861NUTSMAN                          flourish! Call Amelia on 083 326 4210.
                                            Renovation and maintenance specialists   Email:
       LILLIPUT EARLY LEARNING              in waterproofing, maintenance, welding,
       Let your children fulfil their potential   carpentry, electrical, plumbing, building,   MONAVONI NURSERY
       in a friendly, spacious environment.   painting, security, roofing. Contact Tobie   Landscaping, irrigation, nursery.
       Safely situated within Cornwall Hill   on 082 366 6911 for a free quotation.  Call 012 668 1261.

                                       Boardwalk Meander Estate    Issue 1 · 2025
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