Page 20 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 1_2023
P. 20

Health & Wellness

          KEEP IN SHAPE,

          ALL YEAR ROUND!
          An easy beginners exercise guide to do at home


             ife is very busy, and we don’t all have time to get to the gym and train. Here is a simple home-
          Lbased, full body workout designed to be quick and easy to tone and strengthen the important
          muscles we need to do everyday tasks and get the heart pumping!  It will get your summer body
          ready and is even easy enough for beginners to do safely.

          CIRCUIT 1: 12 MINUTE EMOM
          EMOM stands for every minute on the    Hip lift: Lie on your back with
          minute.                                both feet planted on the ground
                                                 and lift your pelvis off the floor,
           -   Start a timer for 12 minutes.     then lower it back down again.
           -   At the start of every minute, you will
             do ten hip lifts.
           -   For the remainder of the minute,
             you will hold a full plank on your
           -   When minute 2 starts, stop holding
             your plank and do ten hip lifts
          For example:
          Minute 1: ten hip lifts
          Remainder of minute: hold a full plank
          Minute 2: ten hip lifts
          Remainder of minute: hold a full plank

          CIRCUIT 2: 12 MINUTE HIIT
          CIRCUIT                                Full plank: Begin by kneeling on all fours with your
          HIIT stands for high intensity interval   hands directly under your shoulders. Raise your
          training.                              body off the floor, lengthening your legs behind
                                                 you.  Hold your body tight for 40 seconds.
           -  40 seconds of work and 20 seconds
             of rest.

           -  Set your timer for 12 minutes.
           -  At the start of minute 1, start doing
             exercise one for 40 seconds and
             then rest for 20 seconds.
           -  At the start of minute 2, do exercise
             two for 40 seconds and then rest for
             20 seconds.
           -  Repeat until all four exercises are
             completed, which will take you four

           -  Repeat for three sets.
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