Page 22 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 1_2023
P. 22

                                                                               and before long, coffee-houses had
                                                                               spring up right in the heart of Mecca,
                                                                               the holiest city in the Islamic world.
                                                                               GROWING COFFEE.
                                                                               Coffee trees take three or four years
                                                                               too mature.  They bear fruit in rows
                                                                               along their branches soon after the
                                                                               appearance of delicate white blossom
                                                                               which has a strong, jasmine fragrance.
                                                                               The cherry like fruit of the coffee berry,
                                                                               within which the beans, or seeds are
                                                                               stored, appear green at first, gradually
                                                                               darkening to a rich crimson.  Arabica
                                                                               berries ripen in six to eight months.
                                                                               Robusta berries ripen in six to three
                                                                               months longer.  This allows only one
                                                                               harvest a year, though Colombia and
                                                                               Kenya – with erratic wet and dry
         COFFEE, A MOST                                                        seasons, can have a secondary crop.

                                                                               Coffee harvest time vary according to
        SEDUCTIVE BEAN                                                         geography: those coffee-producing
                                                                               regions north of the Equator generally
                                                                               harvest their crops late in the year,
                                                                               while in the southern hemisphere
                                                                               coffee is harvested in spring.
            “If I can’t take my coffee break, something                        In the 1930s Francesco Illy developed
                          within me dies……”                                    a machine that forced compressed
                                                                               air, rather than steam through coffee
                     -Frank Loesser: How to succeed in business.               grounds.  In 1945 ACHILLE GAGGIA
                                                                               invented the spring-powered, piston-
                 hether as a quick pick-   THE STORY OF COFFEE.                lever machine.  Both allowed the
                 me-cup in the morning     Legend has it that in the depths of   greatest amount of flavour to be
                 or an indulgent finish to a   Abyssinia, today’s Ethiopia, sometime   extracted from the grounds so quickly
      Wsplendid meal, coffee is still      around the middle of the ninth century,   that the coffee produced has no time
       one of the little luxuries of life.  there lived a sober goatherd called   to become bitter.
                              rial         Khaldi.  One day his normally lethargic
       Coffee was always an exotic drink   goats pranced home in an agitate state.    Coffee is increasingly earning scientist
       and so it remains today.  Smouldering   Curious at their antics, he followed   approval.  Studies continue to suggest
       passions crowd television commercials   them and discovered that they had been   that the beverage may have some
       over cup after cup of rich, dark coffee,   nibbling the red berries of an evergreen   beneficial effects on health.
       sipped wistfully on a dusty desert train   tree.
       journey, or savoured abroad a yacht on a
       romantic tropical night, until a solo cup   Khaldi decided to try some himself and   ORIENTAL COFFEE
       becomes a delightful duet.          was soon in a state of euphoria.  In his   (Serves 4)
       Today, the aroma and taste of a cup   excitement, he dashed off to broadcast   Ingredients:
       of coffee are enjoyed the world over,   his find and came upon an elderly   • 50 ml brown sugar.
       though the story of coffee begin in East   Moslem mullah, who was depressed by   • Pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg
       Africa.                             his tendency to nod off during prayers.  and cloves.
                                           Khaldi let him into the secret of the   • 25 ml coffee granules
                                           red berries and coffee took its first step   dissolve in 500 ml boiling
                                           toward becoming one of mankind’s        water.
                                           favourite pick-me-ups.                • 1 slice orange and lemon.

                                           Being of a more academic frame of     • 50 ml cream.
                                           mind than the goatherd, the mullah
                                           experimented with the berries and     Method:
                                           eventually hit on the idea of boiling   -  Mix the sugar and spices.
                                           them, turning raw fruit of the coffee   -  Place the dissolved coffee,
                                           tree into a fragrant and delicious      orange and lemon slices in a
                                           beverage.                               small saucepan.  Let it stand
                                                                                   over low heat for 5 minutes.
                                           At first coffee was regarded as a wonder   -  Add the sugar to the mixture
                                           drug and was only consumed in Yemen     and stir.
                                           and Arabia on the advice of a doctor.  -  Divide the cream and coffee
                                           However, coffee was too exciting to be   int0 four coffee cups and
                                           restricted to medical use for long.  Many   serve immediately.
                                           saw it as a brain tonic.  Other credited
                                           coffee with stimulating religious visions

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