Page 10 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 2_2023
P. 10


               ost people spend the majority   When ‘sick building syndrome’    from the air. Not only that, but they can
               of their time indoors in    was first becoming recognised as a   regulate humidity as well.
               increasingly well–sealed    growing problem, NASA conducted
     Mbuildings surrounded by paints       a study of various house plants and   They are also much less expensive than air
      and other synthetic materials which emit   their effectiveness at filtering out   purifying machines or humidifiers.
      noxious chemicals. These conditions are   hazardous chemicals from the air.
      related to increasing incidences of asthma,  Their findings?              The following are the top eight indoor
      allergies, and cancer. Indeed, it’s said                                  plants, as rated for ease of maintenance
      that indoor air quality can be much more   A number of the plants were highly   and effectiveness at purifying the air,
      polluted than outdoor air, up to tenfold.  effective at removing hazardous chemicals   summarised from Mother Nature Network.

                                          BRING THE


                                    INSIDE WITH

                                   THESE 8 AIR-



                                  B                      BY JORDAN LAIO

                                                                              Bamboo Palm
                                                                              (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

                               Areca Palm                                     The bamboo palm can grow to 1,8m and is
                                                                              more resistant to pests than the areca palm.
                               (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)                   It is also even more effective than both
                               The best performer at removing airborne toxins,   the areca and the lady palm at removing
                               it also releases moisture into the air to regulate   airborne chemicals. It’s also an excellent
                               humidity, and is attractive to look at. It’s also   humidifier. Enjoys semi-sun conditions.
                               effective at removing salt from soil. It is easy to
                               take care of and very resistant to pests. Enjoys
                               semi-sun conditions.

                                                                Lady Palm
                                                         (Rhapsis excelsa)
                                                                           The lady
                                                          palm is easy to care for
                                                            as it is very resistant
                                                              to pests and grows
                                                             slowly. Enjoys semi-
                                                                 sun conditions.

                                                 Rubber Plant (Ficus robusta)
                                                 The rubber plant, named for the appearance of its leaves, is known
                                                 for being a plant which requires little light and can tolerate lower
                                                 temperatures than the previously mentioned plants. It is especially
                                                 effective at removing the ubiquitous chemical, formaldehyde, from the
                                                 air. It can grow to 2,4m. Enjoys semi-sun to semi-shade conditions.
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