Page 12 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 2_2023
P. 12

Health & Wellness

                                                                                So, let’s try and simplify it.
                                                                                Headaches are classified into 2
                                                                                categories – Primary and Secondary.
                                                                                Primary headaches are not related to
                                                                                any other condition and they include
                                                                                migraine, tension-type and cluster
                                                                                headaches. With tension-type headaches
                                                                                being the most common.

                                                                                The other category of headaches are
                                                                                Secondary headaches - they are caused
                                                                                by underlying conditions. The list of
                                                                                conditions is very long, but the most
                                                                                common cause is medication-overuse
                                                                                headache. Three other culprits that I also
                                                                                want to mention that we often see in
                                                                                clinical practise are neck (cervicogenic),
                                                                                TMJ (jaw joint) and sinus headaches.
                                                                                As humans our classic response to a
                                                                                headache is to drink medication, and
                                                                                although in theory it’s not wrong to
                                                        Headaches               numb the pain – this very seldom deals
                                                                                with the root of the problem.
                                                       are horrible             The good news is that you can add
                                                   no matter the                physiotherapy to your headache

                                                  intensity... and              conquering arsenal.  Physiotherapy has
                                                                                been proven to decrease or resolve the
                                                       they can be              intensity, frequency, and duration of
                                                                                headache and to decrease medication
                                                    a real pain in              use in regards to headaches.

                                                            the neck            It is done mainly through MANUAL
                                                                                THERAPY, EXERCISES AND EDUCATION.
                                                                                MANUAL THERAPY
        HITTING THE NAIL                                                        Hands-on techniques are designed to
                                                                                alleviate joint and muscle stiffness,
                                                                                increase mobility of the neck, decrease
        ON THE HEADACHE                                                         muscle tension and spasms, and improve
                                                                                muscle performance.

                 lobally it is experienced by   though our understanding of headaches   It might sound out of place, but specific
                 millions of people, with the   has grown a lot over the last few decades   exercises have been proven to decrease
                 statistics telling us that the   – there is still a lot we don’t know.   pain, improve endurance, decrease
        Gprevalence among adults is                                             inflammation, and promote overall
        as high as 50%. In developed countries up   The funny thing is most people can   healing. By activating and strengthening
        to 1 adult in 20 has a headache every, or   describe their headache pain in detail -   your postural muscles we are equipping
        nearly, every day.                  even when they don’t really have one…   your body to stabilise your head. This
                                            Who has not at some point uttered   in turns decreases tension and stiffness
        Headaches have in general held on to   the dreaded ‘my head feels like it is   around the neck, which will decrease the
        their mysterious nature, because even   exploding'?                     intensity of most headaches.

                                                                                Educational strategies have been found
                                                                                helpful at lessening severity and/or
                                                                                frequency of headaches. These strategies
                                                                                include identifying highly individualised
                                                                                triggers (i.e., dietary, sleep, movement/
                                                                                postural habits, stressors, hydration).
                                                                                In future, before you rely on another
                                                                                bottle of pain killers, rather consider
                                                                                consulting your local physiotherapist,
                                                                                as this might just hit the nail on the
        This diagram shows the most common referral patterns for the mentioned headaches.  headache.
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