Page 19 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 5 _2023
P. 19
Health & Wellness
One of the oldest documents in history, the Hippocratic Oath, is still
held sacred by doctors today. But Hippocrates would probably turn in his
grave if he could see some modern doctors’ social media posts! Doctors
should strive to keep their networking sites professional and in line with
the principles of medicine that been relevant since ancient times.
herever the art of
Social media before “Wlove of humanity”. communicating on social media. follows that doctors who don’t practice
To do nothing is sometimes a good
medicine is loved,
wisdom and discretion in deciding
what content to post online may
there is also a
HIPPOCRATIC This quote by Hippocrates reminds us If you are ever unsure about a post, professional judgement when it comes
also be incapable of exercising sound
rather don’t post it! The HPCSA rules of
that the core principles of the medical
to medical care.
advertising practice and social media
profession are care, compassion,
guidelines are very strict and doctors
integrity, respect, trustworthiness,
A competent and skilled doctor will not
are advised against active or passive
benevolence and discernment.
need to promote his/her practice with
touting and canvassing, or allowing
OATH? Unfortunately, many doctors clearly others to do so on their behalf. An ‘facial injectible’ parties, ‘two for the
price of one’ fillers, promotions and
forget to apply these principles and
example of touting is offering freebies
competitions. Discerning patients look
values when using social media.
and specials. Canvassing is promoting
Considering the extraordinary power
for doctors with the correct credentials
one’s professional goods and services
of social media, doctors should hold
and qualifications, a good reputation and
by drawing attention to a doctor’s
themselves to a higher standard and
conscientiously exercise both reasoning
and practices. This also applies to patient FOOLISH THE DOCTOR WHO
and moral judgement both on and off personal qualities, superior knowledge authentic word-of-mouth referrals.
screen. reviews and the use of influencers. DESPISES THE KNOWLEDGE
The ethical and appropriate use of an ACQUIRED BY THE ANCIENTS
FIRST, DO NO HARM influencer is a very fine line that can Let’s make Hippocrates proud and strive
There are many advantages of social easily be broken. to keep social media posts professional
media, such as providing education and and in line with the principles of
health information, improving health MAKE A HABIT OF TWO THINGS medicine that have long been held
outcomes, motivating patients and – TO HELP OR AT LEAST, TO DO sacred.
developing professional networks. Social NO HARM
media can be used to share evidence- It’s sad that some doctors need to put
based information to counter the extent others down in order to puff themselves ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of inaccurate material on the internet. up. Posting opinions of colleagues and
criticising their work on social media - This article first appeared in
But remember the Hippocratic Oath even without any mention of names A2 Trade Magazine, published
for the medical profession, and
when posting on social media. Doctors – can be very damaging to a doctor’s is reproduced here with their
will be judged on how and why they use reputation. There is an unfortunate permission.
these networking platforms. Ethical use trend in the aesthetics industry where
of social media by doctors should impact a doctor posts photos of apparent
healthcare in a positive way, which is to ‘botched’ treatments by their colleagues, Dr Debbie Norval
educate and inform, rather than be used followed by their own reversal and MBBCh (Rand), Dip Pall Med
for self-promotion or internet fame and heroic correction. This practice is (UK), M Phil Pall Med (UCT), Adv
fortune. unethical and does nothing to promote Dip Aesthetic Med (FPD), Presi-
confidence or trust in the aesthetics dent of AAMSSA.
SCIENCE IS THE FATHER OF industry. It would be so much better
KNOWLEDGE, BUT OPINION to use social media to boost and uplift
BREEDS IGNORANCE colleagues. (Case in point: my clever
One of the main limitations of health colleague Cathy Davies came up with the
information found on social media idea and title of this article!)
is a lack of quality and reliability.
While evidence-based medicine does
not emphasise anecdotal reports, LIFE IS SHORT, THE ART LONG,
social media tends to promote them. OPPORTUNITY FLEETING,
Everyone – no matter how unqualified EXPERIENCE TREACHEROUS,
and uneducated – has an opinion, and AND JUDGEMENT DIFFICULT
as doctors and scientists, we have a Consider your professional image.
responsibility to post accurate and A major risk associated with the
truthful information. Doctors need to use of social media is the posting of
keep advice and information factual unprofessional content that ultimately
and based on scientific evidence when reflects badly on the doctor. It logically
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