Page 15 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 5 _2023
P. 15

Today's Child

             themselves, and to not compare   positive attitude can become a habit.   become more confident in their
             their lives to those of others. Remind   Positivity and general optimism will also   choices and decisions, and will help
             them that other people’s negative   be a more natural, instinctive response   build up their assertiveness levels
             opinions don’t count and that, just   for children if it is a theme within the   over time. Bullies prey on people
             maybe, those people are breaking   home. So remember to try to adopt   they believe to be timid, easy
             down others in an attempt to make   a positive attitude yourself, especially   targets. A little assertiveness from
             themselves feel better and stronger,   when you are around your children.   the intended victim can go a long way
             because they have their own set of   Spend positive time together, have fun,   in making a bully think twice.
             problems. A bully must never have   do things your child loves to do and
             the power to define, in your child’s   which makes them feel good about   Finally, if your child is being bullied,
             mind, who they are or who they   themselves, watch funny movies and   don’t judge them – it will simply
             become as a person.              laugh - often.                    make them withdraw further and be
                                                                                less likely to confide in you. Support,
             So, empower your child by encouraging   Avoid making decisions for them.   love and guide them. If necessary,
             a positive attitude – it can help them   Guide and direct them, yes, but   do intervene and either contact the
             overcome many of the challenges they   let them be part of the decision-  school to assist, or the parents if it is
             will face in life. As with anything, a   making process. This will help them   outside of the school environment.

                                       WHY IS BULLYING

                                       SO PREVALENT?

                                       There are many reasons for bullying but,
                                       fundamentally, some of the underlying factors
                                       include the highly competitive environment
                                       our children are growing up in, and the result-
                                       ing relentless performance pressure that they
                                       experience. There is also the now constant
                                       influence of technology (which has changed
                                       accessibility and the way people bully)
                                       and the fast pace of life. Other
                                       significant factors could be
                                       personal issues at home -
                                       maybe there are financial
                                       issues, a divorce, alcohol
                                       abuse, absent parents
                                       – and bullying may be
                                       a way to vent, to rid
                                       themselves of pent-
                                       up emotions they
                                       may be feeling, or
                                       to try to regain
                                       a measure of                     control
                                       they feel
                                       they have lost.

             SIGNS OF BULLYING               to bullying in younger children:  belongings.
             Often our children don’t want to   • Complaining that they are feeling    • A decline in their school marks.
             tell us they are being bullied. They   sick – a headache, a tummy ache –
             might be feeling afraid to tell you or   especially when it may be time to   In older children, you may observe
             anyone, or they might feel helpless.   go to school.             that they have low self-esteem, are
             Maybe they are embarrassed. It is   • Unexplained injuries.      withdrawing and generally have
             even possible that they may not trust   • Changes in sleeping and eating   a loss of interest in things around
             you or fear further rejection if they   patterns.                them. They may possibly even
             speak up. These are, however, signs   • A sudden onset of nightmares.  exhibit self-destructive behaviour like
             you can look out for, which may point  • Lost clothing or damaged personal   cutting.

               ABOUT LIFE TALK® FORUM
               Life Talk’s mission is to create happy, successful and fulfilled youth, guided by sound values. Life Talk is a non-profit organisation dedicated to
               raising awareness, stimulating discussions and seeking solutions to the challenges faced by parents and their children.
               For more important parenting tips and information visit or email
               LIFE TALK® FORUM NPC REG: 2010/017980/08       PBO # 930 036317

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