Page 16 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 3_2024
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Downtown Buenos Aires
FEBRUARY: LOVE BENEATH THE GRAB YOUR WATER GUN IN natural vegetation and towering hills to
WAVES APRIL. be explored. June is the perfect time
February is the month of love for people Arguably, no other event is as for a hike in the Northern Hills. Some
worldwide, and for South Africans looking synonymous with Thai culture as the of the most popular hikes include the
to get hitched in true communal Thai Songkran Festival. The festival, which one to the summit of Doi Chiang Dao,
fashion, it’s the month to be in Thailand. centres around water play, is hosted in from where the views stretch all the way
In what has become an internationally April every year to celebrate the Thai New to Myanmar (Burma). Hikers could also
renowned spectacle of love, hundreds of Year. During Songkran, people engage consider going on guided walks through
local and foreign couples visit Thailand in world-famous water fights, but there’s terraced rice paddies and visiting some
in February to participate in the Trang also a spiritual component to the festival, surrounding villages.
Underwater Wedding. Couples are which sees people visiting temples
paraded through the streets of Trang for purification rituals and blessing HIT THE JUNGLES IN JULY
town and then travel by boat to an ceremonies. April is a great time to be in In July, Thailand's north and south
underwater location where they slip on Thailand if what you’re after is a chance regions typically experience high rainfall,
scuba gear over their wedding garb and to see all the islands and towns in one but that doesn’t stop nature lovers from
tie the knot underwater. The ceremony go because each region celebrates the hitting the jungles for a truly authentic
comes complete with a ceremonial festival in unique ways. experience of the tropics. Some of the
waterproof marriage certificate – what’s most popular jungles are in Khao Yai,
not to love about this unique way of EXPLORE MICHELIN STARRED Umphang, and Nan. Fortunately, heavier
starting an incredible new journey RESTAURANTS IN MAY rainfall brings heavier waterfalls, which
together? South Africans love good food, and if are a breathtaking experience. The rainy
there is one reason to visit Thailand, season is also the best time to see the
CONSERVATION AND exploring its culinary gems should be best fauna and flora, which thrive during
CONNECTION IN MARCH one of the reasons. Michelin Guide, this time of the year.
For the animal-loving travellers, March the internationally acclaimed culinary
is the month to visit Thailand. The authority, has once again celebrated AUGUST: ONE FOR THE
elephant is Thailand’s national animal Thailand's vibrant and diverse culinary SHOPPERS
and 13 March is National Thai Elephant scene by showcasing a total of 447 food August is typically regarded as the
Day. To celebrate the day, tourists establishments in Thailand. The 2024 beginning of the off-peak season in
can visit several different elephant edition of the Michelin Guide Thailand Thailand, which makes it the best
sanctuaries, including the Elephant has recognised outstanding culinary time to cash in on cheaper flights and
National Park – one of Thailand's most establishments nationwide, with six new accommodation prices. With heavier
popular conservation projects. Elephant shining stars and two additional Michelin rainfall, most tourists head indoors
Haven in Kanchanaburi is also a great star restaurants. over this period to experience some
option, as is the Samui Elephant local cuisine and the bustling shopping
Sanctuary. At these sanctuaries, visitors JUNE: THE MONTH FOR A malls in urban areas such as Bangkok.
can observe these majestic giants in GOOD HIKE Popular shopping destinations include
their national environments, play with Although Thailand is best known for its Siam Square Bangkok and the expansive
them in mud pools, or do volunteer work pristine beaches and marine biodiversity, Chatuchak Weekend Market. You’ll
– the perfect chance to give back. it also has a lot to offer in the way of find amazing finds here, including silk
14 DPL issue 3 2024