Page 24 - FWG Issue 8_2022
P. 24


         September in the Garden                                               IN THE FLOWER GARDEN
                                                                               Continue to feed and deadhead shrubs.
                                                                               Keep deadheading annuals and perennials.
                                                                               Prune back flowering shrubs such as roses,
                                                                               hydrangeas etc.
                                                                               IN THE FRUIT GARDEN
                                                                               Tidy up your strawberry plants and clear away
                                                                               used straw, as this will harbour pests and
                                                                               diseases during summer.

                                                                               Pick ripe apples. To test when they are ripe,
                                                                               gently lift them in the palm of your hand or
                                                                               give them a gentle pull – they should come
                                                                               away easily.

                                                                               Mow long grass under fruit trees to make it
                                                                               easier to spot windfall fruits.

                                                                               Cut back the fruited canes of your summer
                                                                               raspberries, if you have not already done
                                                                               so, leaving the new green canes for next
                                                                               year’s crop. Tie next year’s raspberry canes to
                                                                  Photo by Jay Gomez  support wires or fencing.

         PRUNING                            recovery from the scarifying process.
         Prune winter flowering shrubs and hedges   Contour compost encourages root and leaf
         that have finished flowering. Pinch outgrowth   growth.  Remember  to  water  well  directly
         tips to encourage branching. Frost sensitive   after application to make sure that it does
         shrubs that flower after mid-summer on the   not dry out.
         new season’s growth can also be pruned   Top dressing – After you have scarified and
         when all danger of frost is over.  aerated  your  lawn,  apply  ORGANIC  weed-
                                            free lawn dressing to enhance your soil
         LAWN AREAS                         quality and ensure that the roots do not
         Scarifying – Thatch is a layer of dead stems   dry out. Top dressing also helps to level out
         and roots that can build up on the surface   depressions and undulated areas in the lawn
         of the soil. If the thatch is more than 2cm   so that mowing is easier.
         thick, problems with diseases are almost a
         certainty. Remove the thick layer of thatch,   Other jobs to do in the garden this month
         and scarify the lawn by mowing it as short   1.  Divide  your  herbaceous  perennials.  This
         as possible. Rake off the thatch and throw it   will keep your plants healthy and vigorous   GARDENER
         away. Your lawn will grow back very quickly   year after year and multiply your stock.  OF THE MONTH
         with new healthy shoots/leaves.    2.  Net  ponds now  before spring gets
         Aerating – If a lawn has dry patches where   underway to get them clean for the   Zaneth  Mashaba  receives  the
         grass will not grow, it needs to be aerated.   coming warm summer season.  Gardener of the Month Award for
         The air needs to penetrate the soil to keep   3.  Clean out greenhouses ahead of spring   August. He has proven himself to be
         the lawn roots healthy. An aerator punches   and plant up bare areas for the growing   the best all-rounder staff member
         holes in the lawn, allowing air and water to   season.                   – as tractor driver, water tank driver,
         penetrate the soil faster and deeper.    4.  Plant  spring-flowering  bulbs  now,  such   chainsaw operator, tackling irrigation
         Fertilising – You need to choose the best   as daffodils, crocus and hyacinths, for   repairs and more. He always goes
         organic fertiliser.  This will ensure rapid   glorious colour next season.  above and beyond the call of duty!

              To purchase natural gardening products, or for more information about how to be eco-friendly, contact Turfnet on
           Tel no: (011) 464-5088 or Mobile no: 073 935 9754. Alternatively, email:, or visit
                                        Address: Plot 17, School Road, Diepsloot. 2187.

                                                Fourways Gardens • 22 • September 2022
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