Page 29 - FWG Issue 8_2022
P. 29


          globally-accepted qualification to teach   secure a working visa in order to go
          English abroad. “When studied full time,   abroad,” he adds.            Offering  accessible,  flexible  and
          an accredited TEFL course can typically be                              cost-effective ways to get  TEFL
          completed within four to six weeks – this   While  most  visa-free  countries  do  not   qualified, The TEFL   Academy
          gives you time to evaluate the pros and   require more than a passport to clear   provides internationally accredited
          cons of relocating to a new home before   customs, certain countries may request   and regulated online courses.  The
          making the final decision, negotiate and   other documents, such as proof of onward   company, which has been selected
          sign a contract, and then make plans for   travel, before allowing you to enter. It   as the Overall  Top  TEFL Course
          the big move,” says O’Sullivan.    is also important to note that in some   Provider by Go Overseas for the last
                                             countries,  COVID-19  travel  restrictions   three years, also hosts a jobs board
          “For countries that do not offer visa-free   still apply.  You can check these out by   on their website where potential
          travel for South Africans, TEFL certificate   accessing the restrictions mapping tool,   teachers can browse through
          holders will first need to secure   developed by travel website Skyscanner.   over 1  500 international teaching
          employment at a school in their country   However, those who have been fully   opportunities.
          of choice – which is relatively easy given   vaccinated and can show proof thereof,
          the high demand for English teachers   generally do not have to quarantine on   For more information, visit:
          abroad. From here, they can work with   arrival  –  although  a  COVID-19  test  may
          the school and relevant embassy to   still be required.

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 27 • September 2022
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