Page 16 - FWG Issue 3 April 2023
P. 16
Estate News
hole Earth Recycling was founded in March 2007 at
Cluny Farm. Until 2008, sorting was done by just four
sorters. Whole Earth Recycling then moved to Décor
WPark in 2009 and finally to Strijdom Park where they
started their community-based project in 2011. Carmen Jordaan
took over Whole Earth Recycling at the end of 2014. The company
hopes to continue growing from strength to strength. Whole
Earth Recycling provides a simple, reliable, and hassle-free way to
recycle. By supporting Whole Earth Recycling, you are supporting
a wonderful community-based project – a group of sorters calling
themselves Hawk Flight.
Our Community Project
The recyclable material that Whole Earth Recycling collects is
sorted by the Hawk Flight team – currently, a group of 35 sorters. collection service and the photo above of our green 32L food waste
They generate an income by sorting and selling the recyclable bin with a 2kg bag of compost on top. Our food waste clients also
material to local buy-back centres. The buy-back-centres collect the receive discounts on bulk compost deliveries.
recyclables from the Whole Earth Recycling warehouse. This means
sorters are safer and also less of a hazard in traffic – they don’t have WHOLE EARTH ORGANIC FARM FOOD WASTE COLLECTION
to pull bulk bags of recyclables to buy-back-centres to sell. The SERVICE
Whole Earth Recycling warehouse provides shelter for the sorters The household costs for this service are as follows:
against the elements (rain, wind, sun, etc.) and ensures that the • Once-off registration fee of R 185.00.
recyclables do not end up littering the surrounding environment. • Once-off cost of R 350.00 for a 32L food waste bin, which can
Traditionally reclaimers sort recyclables in the open veld and some be placed in your kitchen/scullery/garage/outside in the shade.
of the recyclables are blown into the veld and washed into nearby • Collection fee of R 139.00 per month to be paid in advance.
rivers. The sorters also have access to toilets, showers, and a tea area
in the Whole Earth Recycling warehouse. Here is a basic outline of how our collection service works:
• Place your food waste in your food waste bin (make sure it
This is the only source of income for the sorters. Without it, they contains a bin liner)
would be rummaging through municipal refuse bins to gather • Place your bin liner filled with food waste outside your property
recyclables to sell. These are often also filled with expired food and for collection. Do this on your existing recycling collection
other non-sanitary items, which is certainly not ideal. By recycling day. Please note that the collection day is subject to change.
with Whole Earth Recycling, you are contributing towards job However, we will notify you before making any changes.
creation for around 50 people. These include the Whole Earth • Our team will collect your food waste every week and leave a
Recycling drivers, truck assistants (loaders), and admin team, as replacement bin liner for you.
well as the sorters who make up the community-based project – • At the end of each month, you will receive a 2kg bag of beautiful
all while reducing our impact on our environment. Every little bit compost for use in your garden, vegetable patch, or pot plants.
helps. The contact details for both companies are currently the same and
we have also included the online sign-up form link below:
Please connect with Whole Earth Recycling on social media to keep
updated about all things recycling: • Tel: 011 791 4537
• Email:
Instagram • Sign Up to Organic Farm - Whole Earth –
Whole Earth Recycling (@wholeearthrecycling) • Instagram photos
and videos Whole Earth Recycling collects recyclable material at Fourways
and/or Facebook Gardens Estate on Wednesday!
Whole Earth Recycling | Johannesburg | Facebook
Simply place your clear, blue or green bag with mixed recyclable
Our sister company, Whole Earth Organic Farm, makes compost out products on your verge by 7.30 am and they will collect it during the
of the food waste we collect, together with the garden waste that day.
is delivered (free of charge) to our farm in Chartwell. Unfortunately,
we don’t currently carry out garden waste collections. However, we If you wish to recycle organic waste, please contact them directly
hope to do so soon. Please see the details about our food waste to arrange.
Fourways Gardens • 14 • April 2023