Page 30 - Fourways Gardens August Issue 2023
P. 30




            Tales of hidden treasure are always enthralling and the legend
            of the Kruger Millions is a mystery that refuses to die

                                B Y SIAN CLARK

                                                                       Old Pretoria

         Church Street, Pretoria

         Church Square in the 1920s                                    Boer Kommando
         T     he mystery of South Africa’s Kruger   Kruger was a very popular president at the   Pretoria today.  Overlooking one entire side of

                                                                               Church Square, Die Ou Raadsaal is considered
                                            time; by 1900 he had already served four
               gold millions has continued to
                                                                               to be the chief architectural wonder of
                                            terms. He lived in Church Street with his wife,
               more than a century.  While the
                                            now a museum well worth visiting.
         occasional Kruger pound has allegedly   Gezina. The house is still there today and is   Pretoria.  The foundation stone was laid by
                                                                               Kruger in 1889.
         been found, many die-hard treasure hunters
         are still scouring the area around Blyde   Let’s set the scene:       Die Ou Raadsaal was home to the parliament
         River in the former Eastern Transvaal (now   Pretoria was a lively little town in 1900. It had   of the South African Republic from 1891 to
         Mpumalanga), believing that this is where   a cosmopolitan population because people   1902. It would have been a short carriage ride
         President Paul Kruger must have stashed it   had come to find gold and when they didn’t   from Kruger’s home, situated a few blocks
         before making his way to Europe.   find any, they moved into town and started   away. In his Raadsaal office, Kruger would
                                            businesses.                        be updated regularly on the movements of
         The legend goes back to the year 1900,                                British forces in the Anglo-Boer War.
         when the Anglo-Boer  War being fought   Many shops and official South African
         by the British against the Boer Republic   buildings such as the Post Office sprung   It is in this central area of Pretoria that the
         of South Africa was in full swing. The war,   up  around  Church  Square.  There  was  also   government Mint was based, and it’s here
         spearheaded by British field marshal   a bank owned by the Dutch called Die   that the gold bullion and coins making up the
         Frederick Sleigh Roberts, was over the British   Nederlandsche Bank. Today, it is Nedbank.    so-called “Kruger Millions” was said to have
         influence in Southern Africa. However, at the                         originated.
         heart of the conflict was the battle for control   The government architect was a Dutchman
         of the world’s richest gold deposits: the   called Sytze Wierda. His incredible buildings   In May 1900, the battle had progressed to
         Witwatersrand goldfields and the diamonds   – The Palace of Justice and Die Ou Raadsaal   just  outside  Pretoria.  As  a  precaution,  the
         in the Orange Free State.          (Council Chambers) – are still standing tall in   Transvaal government decided to move

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 28 • August 2023
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