Page 16 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 16

Estate News

                                   CYCLE CHALLENGE AT

                          FOURWAYS GARDENS ESTATE

                 n Saturday 5 October, Fourways
                 Gardens Estate hosted our first
                 Cycle Challenge.  To ensure a
        Ofun day of good competition
         between riders of all ages and distance
         groups, we extended the invitation to
         Dainfern Golf Estate and some Steyn City
         Estate riders also took part in the day!

         Dainfern Golf Estate CEO, Geraldine, also
         attended and joined in on the festivities of
         the day.

         Days like these are a mammoth task to put
         together, and this would not have been
         possible without the help of our in-house
         activity provider, Smish from Chain Gang   Geraldine Harris and Charlene Marlin
         MTB Club, and our wonderful sponsors
         on the day.  With great excitement and   Chain Gang MTB Club for extensive track   The race results were very impressive, and
         planning, the setup of the race village,   design and improvements leading up to   all the riders agreed that the course was
         food stalls,  paramedics  and prizes,  were   race day.               challenging! With little flat or rest parts, it
         organised for the riders and spectators on                            was go-go-go from the moment the race
         the day. We thank the following companies   The Fourways Gardens landscaping   started. With the distances catering for all
         for  their  invaluable  contributions  that   and  maintenance  team  for  their  help  in   ages and fitness levels, the course did not
         ensured a well-attended and enjoyable day!  creating this wonderful space for our   disappoint.
                                            residents to enjoy.
         •  Tyson Properties, Betterbond and Christo
          Mulder Attorneys for their cash donations   Lap racing by distance
          and help on the day.               Time  Event name       Age   Laps  Course  Distance  Ride-ability
         •  Mellow  Velo  Cycle  Shop  for  prizes  and   8:00  Wheel Warriors  15+*  8  2  25km  Fit
          bike repairs at the event.         10:30  Chain Chasers    8+    4     2    12km   Intermediate
         •  Life ID for prizes.              11:45  Speedy Spokes    7+    2     2     7lm   Beginners
         •  24/7  Security  for  assistance  with  course   12:45  Ride Squad  3-6  2  1  1,8km  First Riders & Push Bike
          marshals and demarcating the course.  1:30  Prize Giving

                                                Fourways Gardens • 14 • November 2024
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