Page 13 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 13

Estate News

                   QUIZ NIGHT

                   Friday, 20 September

                  ur  Quizmaster  par excellence,  Dayle  (Riot
                  Entertainment), ensures that every Quiz has a
                  different range  of questions  and is  always fun
         Owhile challenging the grey matter to recall facts we
          thought we’d long forgotten! On this, her 30th Quiz Night at
          Fourways Gardens, we were still presented with new questions,
          showing just how much effort Dayle puts into preparing the
          Quizzes and the many hours spent researching her material!

          Competition was fierce at this month’s Quiz Night, with many
          of the big hitters present. However, Team of the Month’s strong
          showing secured them first place, with 70.5 points. Second
          place was claimed by The Winesteins, who outperformed The
          Drinking Cubs by half a point!

          The enviable lucky draw prize was won by Kerryn Brackenridge
          – congratulations!

          We thank our sponsors, Club Real Estate for their continued
          sponsorship of this event. Our 2024 Quiz League will end in
          November, but, before that, our penultimate Quiz held in
          October  will  have  a  bonus  point  for  teams  in  costumes  and
          some Halloween trivia will also feature in the October quiz!

          Please book your team of up to six people with The Gardens
          Bistro at 084 613 5797 (WhatsApp) and join in the fun!

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 11 • November 2024
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