Page 9 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 9


              KIDNAPPING AND HIJACKING                                                SITUATIONAL


          24/7 Security Services has noted the increase in media coverage
          relating to kidnappings and missing persons. Statistics show this type   What is situational awareness, and

          of crime is increasing – and everyone is at risk!                       why does it matter?
                                                                                  Situational awareness is being aware
                                                                                  of what is happening around you and
                                                                                  recognising whether there could be a
          Who are the targets?                                                    threat to your safety or security.  Well-
          Looking at the types of people that are most   accounts. Some victims are forced to make   honed situational awareness skills
          vulnerable to kidnappings in South Africa,   payments into bank accounts outside of   help you identify the early signs of a
          Police Minister Bheki Cele warned at the   the country, which makes tracing the funds   threat and react and respond quickly
          end of last year that criminal syndicates are   nearly impossible for law enforcement. In   to potential danger.
          heavily targeting wealthy businesspeople –   other cases, victims’ accounts are used to
          as well as university students.    make online purchases locally and across   When we have many things going
                                             South Africa’s borders.              on around us, we may fail to notice
          In a public briefing note published in                                  signs that a situation is changing and
          2023, Cele noted the increase in cases,   Although vigilance might help stop some   becoming more volatile. Sometimes,
          highlighting that these crimes are being   incidents, it is no magic elixir.  When the   these signs may be tough to pick
          committed by kidnapping syndicates   worst that can happen happens, follow the   up on, and even if we don’t spot
          targeting selected individuals for means   following guidelines:        something, it doesn’t mean it’s
          of ransom. After several arrests, the SAPS   • Cooperate                not  happening.   In  noisy and  busy
          noted  that  these  syndicates  targeted   The safety of your life should always be a   environments, such as reception areas
          businesspeople by luring them with fake   top priority. If someone is threatening you   or  public  transport,  we  can  become
          tender proposals. The SAPS further pointed   with violence, it’s best to cooperate and do   absorbed in our thoughts and fail to
          out that the suspects, who were dressed in   as they say to ensure your well-being.  see and hear signs of a threat.
          police uniforms, were found holding the   • Stay calm
          victim hostage and demanding an amount   Try to remain as calm as possible. Panic can   Avoid complacency:
          of R300,000.                       escalate the situation, so keeping a level   •  Acknowledge   that   certain
                                             head is essential.                    circumstances may place you at a
          Ordinary people are also targets. A   • Memorise details                 heightened risk.
          prevalent trend is  ‘express kidnappings’,   Make mental notes about the assailants’   •  Do not advertise your home address
          where motorists are hijacked and driven in   appearance,  accents,  or  identifying  online or in printed material, such as
          their own vehicle (or another vehicle) to an   features. This information may be helpful to   business cards etc.
          ATM and forced to withdraw cash. Victims   law enforcement later.       •  Do not become complacent in your
          are also robbed of valuables such as laptops   • Stay passive            usual surroundings.
          and cell phones.                   Avoid any sudden or aggressive actions   Be alert when:
                                             that could provoke the kidnappers.   •  Arriving to and departing from your
          Kidnapping/hijacking and banking App   • Comply with their demands       home or workplace
          crimes                             Comply with their instructions, such as   •  Entering and exiting a vehicle
          A worrying crime trend involves victims   accessing your banking apps. Your personal   •  Travelling to planned events
          who are being kidnapped and coerced,   safety should always come first!  •  On regular journeys
          often under the threat of violence, into   • Seek help later            •  In unusual or new surroundings
          making transfers from their banking apps,   Once the situation is resolved, immediately   •  Always display an air of confidence,
          frequently stripping them of all their   contact the authorities and your bank to   even if you don’t feel it.
          savings or completely looting their other   report the incident.


                       Please report all security-related matters immediately, without delay.

                                      A delay in reporting = a delay in resolution.

                                            On-site Control Contact details:
                                011 465 5466 or 066 261 7671

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 7 • November 2024
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