Page 6 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 6

Estate News


                 ur inaugural Cycle Challenge                                  exponentially. The last SANBS Blood Drive
                 was held at the Bike Park                                     at FWG was held on the last Saturday of
                 in October, and the hive of                                   October, and we express a heartfelt thank
        Oactivity in the Phase 1 Park and                                      you to all who donated blood. Your blood
         trails crisscrossing it couldn’t be missed                            does save lives, and we hope to reach 60
         by any passer-by.  We are very proud to                               units of blood per Blood Drive in 2025, as
         inform you that our Cycle Challenge                                   our current average is 40 units.
         has sparked facility envy among some
         of our neighbouring estates.  We saw a                                The HOA is committed to being responsive
         great uptick in our reach to showcase our                             and interacting with the Fourways
         estate and facilities beyond our normal                               Gardens community to remain aligned
         audiences!                                                            with the needs and priorities of the
                                                                               community at large. Surveys on GloCMS
         October also marks the start of our                                   are one of the best ways to gain insight
         eventing high season, and something is                                and feedback, anonymously, and you will
         happening every week between now and                                  have noticed that these have been used
         the  December  school  holidays! Whether                              more frequently. Completing surveys with
         you’re a long-time resident or new to the                             your  feedback,  ideas  for  improvements
         neighbourhood, we encourage everyone   Charlene Marlin, Estate Manager  and priorities helps the HOA to plan
         to get involved, connect with their                                   projects that meet the real needs of the
         neighbours,  and  contribute  to  keeping                             Community or make decisions about
         our community the beautiful, welcoming   the perfect opportunity to get exquisite   when and which events to host. The HOA
         place we all love. Your participation makes   decorations and clothing, stock up on   remains neutral when there are hot topics
         Fourways Gardens a truly special place to   Festive eats and find the perfect year-  that are put to a poll or survey, and the
         live, and we have some great activities   end and Festive gifting! The most popular   greater your participation, the better
         lined up for the whole family!     stalls of the 2023 market are back this year,   equipped we are to make decisions that
                                            so join us and maybe spoil yourself after   reflect the majority’s preferences.  Your
         A  New Residents Meet & Greet was   a long year while you’re at it! Keep an eye   voice truly helps to shape the direction of
         held in late October and was a wonderful   out for our  Kiddies Christmas Party to   our estate and community!
         opportunity to get acquainted with   be held on Saturday 23 November 2024 –
         newcomers who have chosen to become   Santa is planning his route, and we have a   The holiday season is a time for relaxation,
         part  of  the  FWG  community.  On  this   line-up of great entertainment – familiar   family gatherings, and celebration, but
         evening, we were able to share insights   favourites and new – to bring some festive   it can be overwhelming to ensure that
         about the estate and answer questions.   cheer for our estate’s children. This year,   you’ve  got  everything  covered.  Some
         We are certain that the attendees found   the  Festive Concert will be a separate   reminders to help take the stress out of
         valuable information about our estate’s   event, and will be held on the following   holiday planning and to make sure that
         services,  facilities  and  activities.  We   Saturday, which is 30 November 2024   homes, pets, and personal safety are well
         extend a warm welcome to each family,   with musicians to both entertain and   taken care of:
         and we hope you feel at home!      guide  us  in  some  carol  singing,  dancing   •  If  you’re  planning  to  be  away  for  the
                                            and  getting  into the  December mood,   holidays, consider hiring a home sitter
         While we may not experience Fall in   while there will also be entertainment for   to keep watch over your property, water
         October  or  find  ourselves  overcome   the whole family – even those who often   plants (including your verge!) and take
         with pumpkin-spice-everything,  Trick-  avoid family activities!       care of pets. Create a list of important
         or-Treat is a traditional highlight of our                             emergency contacts, that is easily
         estate’s camaraderie and generosity,   As the holiday season approaches, it’s   accessible and share it with anyone
         and what a spooktacular evening we   important to remember the crucial role that   staying in your home (whether it’s a
         have planned for this year! Our highly   the South African National Blood Service   house sitter, a guest, or a relative). This
         anticipated  Festive Market will be held   (SANBS) has in saving lives over the end-  enables them to take a pet to the vet if
         on Saturday 9 November 2024 and is   of-year period when road travel increases   needed, handle a household emergency

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 4 • November 2024
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