Page 29 - FWG December Issue 2024
P. 29


                         THE ROLE OF COMPOSTING IN


            n South Africa’s diverse landscapes,   Conserving water resources   et al., 2018). By composting kitchen
            from the lush forests of Mpumalanga   In a country where water scarcity is a pressing   scraps, garden trimmings, and yard
            to the arid plains of the Karoo, lies a   concern, composting offers a sustainable   waste, individuals can play a direct role in
         Ishared  commitment  to  preserving   solution to conserving water in the garden.   minimising their environmental footprint
          the environment and nurturing the   Compost acts as a sponge, enhancing the   and contributing to a cleaner, healthier
          land. Amidst this backdrop, composting   soil’s ability to retain moisture and reduces   environment for all.
          emerges as a cornerstone of sustainable   the need for frequent watering. Studies have
          landscaping practices, offering a practical   shown that soils amended with compost   Promoting sustainable agriculture
          solution  to  enriching  soil  fertility,   exhibit improved water-holding capacity,   Beyond backyard gardens, composting
          conserving water, and reducing waste.  making them more resilient to drought   holds immense potential for advancing
                                             conditions (Oelofse et al., 2007).  sustainable agriculture practices in South
          Why composting matters                                                Africa. Small-scale farmers and community
          Composting is more than just a gardening   Enhancing soil health      garden projects can utilise compost to
          technique – it’s a holistic approach   The benefits of compost extend beyond   improve soil fertility, increase crop yields,
          to  soil  management  that  addresses   water conservation to soil  health. By   and reduce dependence on synthetic
          the interconnected challenges of soil   enriching the soil with organic matter   fertilisers and pesticides (Morgan et al.,
          degradation, water scarcity, and waste   and beneficial micro-organisms, compost   2006). By embracing composting on a
          pollution. By harnessing the natural   improves soil structure, fertility, and nutrient   broader scale, South Africa can pave the
          process of decomposition, composting   availability (Lal, 2004). In regions with   way towards a more resilient food system
          transforms organic waste into a nutrient-  depleted soils, such as parts of the Western   that nourishes both people and the planet.
          rich  soil  amendment  that  nourishes   Cape and Eastern Cape, composting plays
          plants and the landscape.          a vital role in revitalising the Earth and   Conclusion
                                             promoting healthy plant growth.    In the intricate web of South Africa’s natural
                                                                                ecosystems, composting emerges as a
                                             Reducing waste and pollution       thread that binds us to the Earth and each
                                             South Africa faces significant challenges   other. By harnessing the power of organic
                                             related  to  waste  management  and   waste to nourish the soil, conserve water,
                                             pollution, with organic waste comprising   and reduce pollution, composting offers a
                                             a substantial portion of landfill material   tangible pathway towards sustainability and
                                             (Statistics South Africa, 2020). Composting   resilience. As we cultivate our gardens and
                                             offers a practical solution by diverting   landscapes, let us embrace composting as a
                                             organic waste from landfills and reducing   fundamental practice that honours the land,
                                             greenhouse gas emissions associated   preserves precious resources, and fosters a
                                             with  organic  decomposition  (De  Menna   brighter future for generations to come.

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 27 • December 2024
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