Page 28 - FWG Issue 4 May 2024
P. 28
Today’s Child
The “Lighthouse Parent” them, and trust that they will follow and children need to trust that their parents
According to an article by Dr Kenneth respect the boundaries. are setting reasonable boundaries to
Ginsburg, lighthouse parenting is when • foster a robust support system for their protect them.
a parent creates a balance between love child, equipping them with the tools • Communicate openly: Talking to
and setting limits for a child to ensure that they need to grow and become more your child is a great way to build trust,
a child is nurtured and safe and respects independent. strengthen the parent-child relationship,
parents as important figures in their lives. and learn more about your child. Respect
Parents should act as a lighthouse while Benefits of lighthouse parenting your child’s opinions, interests, and
raising their children, including being Some benefits of this approach include viewpoints, even if they differ from yours.
a guiding light/example for their child better problem-solving and active problem- Share your perspectives and views as well
to turn to, providing a sense of safety in coping, increased independence rates, a and have open communication in your
times of trouble, and informing their child solid parent-child bond surrounding trust relationship. No one knows what another
of danger, but allowing them to navigate and support, decreased engagement in person is thinking or feeling unless they
the challenge independently. Lighthouse risky behaviour, more excellent academic ask, and the more you ask, the more you
parenting centres around balancing love, success rates, emotional security, resilience, learn.
respect, and trust between parents and self-reliance, and self-esteem development. • Allow your child to make mistakes:
children. It aims to help parents provide a It is achieved through the following: Allowing your child to make their own
strong, supportive base for their children to • Support your child: Lighthouse’s guide mistakes will help them take a step forward
rely on, placing trust in children’s decision- and provide a stable grounding point. with their independence. Mistakes give
making skills and their ability to cope with Practically, this is done by encouraging children a learning opportunity to grow
any consequences that may arise from your child to try new activities that interest from and apply their new understanding
them. them, even if they are scared. Allow your by themselves in the future. Preparing
child to choose their friend group and your child to make the best choices
Some examples of lighthouse parenting encourage them to socialise. Comfort your possible will set them up positively in the
include: child when they fail a test, lose a game, or future.
• allow children to make their own decisions face another difficulty. • Set clear and protective rules:
and trust they will make good choices. • Develop trust: Lighthouse parenting Lighthouse parents can be flexible and
• are an example of kind, respectful, and revolves around balance, which means listen to their child’s views, but clear rules
thoughtful people for their children to trust should be developed on both sides and expectations are still in place. Rules
model their behaviour after. of the parent-child relationship. Parents and boundaries should be based on
• comfort their child when they turn to need to trust their children to make protecting your child from any physical,
parents after experiencing challenges. their own decisions and remember the moral, or psychological dangers that may
• set clear rules for their child to protect boundaries that are in place, and in return, threaten their safety.
Shift your focus from: To…
“I am going to do everything I can “I am going to do everything I can to plant the right seeds to
to ensure my child has the least empower my child to get through anything and everything
unhappiness.” without losing confidence and self-worth”.
Fourways Gardens • 26 • May 2024