Page 24 - FWG September Issue 2024
P. 24

Estate News

               PHASE 2



               he Phase 2 Waterway Project has   It was also necessary to appoint an   free water flow from the drains is now
               been in planning for the past   independent environmental officer to   possible.  A further mainstream function is
               three years.  It was a lengthy   oversee the project.           to allow all of the surrounding silted areas
         Tand time-consuming process to                                        to drain towards a low point, allowing the
         obtain all the necessary approvals.  The   This project will be done over three years.   previous swampland to dry out.
         project required an EIA (environmental   This extended period is necessary due to
         impact assessment), and once this   annual estate budgetary constraints and   Once the mainstream and the stormwater
         was completed and accepted.  Further   the physical limitations of what can be   drains were opened, the entire stream was
         approvals were needed  from the JRA   done in one season.             opened, and all obstacles to water flow
         (Johannesburg Roads Agency), Joburg                                   were removed. The existing smaller dams
         Parks and GDARD (Gauteng Department   The  first  phase  is  now  nearly  complete.     and weirs in the stream have also been
         of Agriculture and Rural Development).   This aimed at opening up the mainstream   cleaned out, and these should assist as
         We were also required to obtain a mining   and unblocking and opening stormwater   silt traps for any sand that may be present
         licence within  these approvals  as we   pipes that lead to the stream.  The   in the stream water.  This should limit the
         removed sand from the river course!   mainstream was opened to a level where   amount of silt that enters the main dam.

                                                Fourways Gardens • 22 • September 2024
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