Page 27 - FWG September Issue 2024
P. 27

Animals Matter



                IN CATS

         A       s much as we love our feline   “read” the environment and, in turn, when the   home will be nervous, anxious or aggravated.

                                             transient cat sprays over this mark, will convey
                 companions, they can certainly
                                                                                A socialised cat may begin to spray his bed
                                                                                if he finds the novelty too distressing. By
                                             information about the intruder cat back to the
                 relationship. Cats have particular
          ways of communicating with other cats   resident cat. This olfactory and visual marker   spraying on windows, curtains, laundry
                                             is aimed at conflict avoidance by claiming or
                                                                                baskets, electric sockets, entry/exit points
          which we don’t necessarily understand (or   allocating time to share the area.  and furnishings, he is marking his territory
          like), but it is important to understand what                         and showing his angst.
          they are trying to say in context.   In scientific terms, two amino acids (felinine
                                             and isovathen) make the urine pungent   Should the threat not abate, the stress will
          They don’t mean to offend us, but cats “talk”   and unique. So, even though an intruder   increase, and additional places like passages,
          in certain ways when they want to get their   intact male will be able to “read” a female in   room entrances and the tops of staircases
          message across. This is called marking. These   oestrus, she will not be approachable until   will be marked. Spraying communicates
          four main types of marking can drive us nuts   his scent is accepted.   boundaries and assists with stress, and may
          and have indeed ruined a few relationships,                           be habit forming. Excessive grooming may
          but  they  are  completely normal to a  cat.   Males spray traversing their hunting   also induce stress and lead to spraying. As
          Sometimes we rehome a cat for these   boundaries; females only spray entering   many of us know, the smell can make our
          behaviours. Let’s see what the behaviours   boundaries  and  sporadically  while  eyes water and is not the easiest to get rid of.
          are and the motivation for performing them:  scavenging. Outdoor cats spray on   Unfortunately, it is one of the leading causes
                                             streetlamps, property boundaries, trees,   of the rehoming of a cat.
          URINE SPRAYING                     bushes, walls, external doors and fences to
          In  communal  areas,  spraying  conveys   advise neighbourhood cats how often and   BUNTING
          information to other cats about an individual   when they were last there. Confident cats   This tactile and olfactory marking strategy
          cat’s age, gender, sexual availability and   will spray in front of each other.  starts with the cat grooming himself. His
          maturity, degree of stress, medical condition                         outer  ears discharge a  wax-like substance
          and even what the cat has recently eaten.   An  indoor  cat  that  feels  threatened  by   and along with his facial and caudal glands,
          The resident cat’s spray helps an intruder cat   perceived threats or upset by changes at   secrete an oily substance which goes onto

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 25 • September 2024
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