Page 25 - FWG September Issue 2024
P. 25

Estate News

          Clearing of the weirs and silt traps will   this to the sides of the dam.  Larger and   streams.  The dam design will retain islands
          become an annual maintenance activity. The   better-defined berms will be created, and   with trees, reeds, and other vegetation to
          final part of Phase 1 is now underway, which   the existing path around the dam will   cater to birds and wildlife. Joburg Parks and
          involves re-establishing the vegetation   be re-laid on the top of these berms. It is   the Joburg Zoo are actively participating in
          growing  on  the  banks.  Kikuyu  sods  have   envisioned that this will take place during   this aspect.
          been planted in the banks, and this will be   the winters of 2025 and 2026 and again
          overseeded with a natural seed mix used in   will be dictated by financial and machinery   Please  feel free  to  come and  see  the
          rehabilitation  areas. This  will  allow  the  soil   access considerations.  developments for yourselves!
          areas to be covered and stabilised before the
          onset of the summer rains.         By spring 2026, the FWG dam will hopefully   Rudy
                                             be restored to close to its former size. While
          Phase 2 and 3 of the project will entail   the earthworks are disruptive to the fauna   Chief Operations Officer
          opening up the dam to its former size.     and flora of the area for a short period, an
          This will involve the removal of sand from   increased number of birds, frogs, and fish
          the silted-up areas of the dam and moving   have already been observed in the weirs and

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 23 • September 2024
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