Page 15 - The Villager July 2021
P. 15


            exquiSite décor optionS

                         from camBanoS

                                             By AMANDA PILLAI

           Believe it or not – and                es, I know, when the lights go out all at once and it’s
                                                  pitch  black,  tourists  have  often  been  heard  to  ask,
           I kid you not – spring            Y“Is this what they mean by Darkest Africa?” But rest
           is on its way. Now’s the          assured, African décor does not need to equate to the

           time to plan the perfect          dark mood left as a residue after the hardships of load-
           makeover of your home             shedding. Nor does it have to be tacky.
           to lighten and brighten            When the sun’s shining and it’s a glorious day, what
           the mood after the                better way to celebrate the true spirit of Africa than to
           dismal months of winter.          grace your home with some carefully-curated African décor?

                                                                                 If you’ve chosen a
                                                                               relatively monochromatic,
                                                                               minimalist look for your
                                                                               home,  try  some  elegant
                                                                               silver or pewter wildlife
                                                                               ornaments to complete
                                                                               the setting.

                          HANDSOME BRONZES
                           Discover the beauty of bronze
                          with these well-crafted pieces.

                                                                                       MAKE A STATEMENT
                                                                                         Having a feature wall in a
                                                                                       room is often recommended
                                                                                       by the interior design gurus.
                                                                                       Choose the wall that hits you
                                                                                       in the eye when you enter
                                                                                       the room and embellish it
                                                                                       with bold statements that
                                                                                       suit your personality.

                                                                                   The Villager  •   Issue 7  2021  •   13
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