Page 5 - IFV_Issue 7_2022
P. 5
Estate News
Dear Residents,
s we are now in the middle of
winter, we can enjoy staying
Aindoors, relaxing in front of our
televisions, following the latest popular
series and live sport – when load-
shedding gives us a chance, of course.
With the world returning to normality
after COVID, many sport events are back
- from the tennis at Wimbledon, cycling
in the Tour de France, and F1 racing, to Anna-Mart Steyn
the latest golf tournaments and, naturally,
Last year, I challenged myself to follow SOLAR APPLICATIONS
the Tour de France – especially the last Due to the current load-shedding, there is an increase in the
bit of the race each day. As I had no enquiries regarding the installation of solar systems at houses.
knowledge of how such a race works, it Before installing a solar system, a resident must complete
was quite fascinating to watch it and learn an application form. Kindly find below an extract from the
more about the sport.
application form.
The following information must be indicated and/or
completed on the application form:
SOME BRIEF FACTS 1. Solar panel positions to be indicated on a roof plan.
REGARDING THE TOUR DE 2. The roof plan/sketch does not have to be done
FRANCE professionally. It is merely for administrative purposes
but must have sufficient details, such as – site boundaries,
• The Tour de France is an annual North point, and position of residence on the site.
men’s multiple-stage bicycle 3. The panel sizes of the solar water/PV system to be specified.
race primarily held in France, although the competitors also 4. All cables and pipes to be neatly trunked and trunking to
occasionally pass through nearby countries. be painted to match the wall colour. To be noted on the
• The Tour de France Femmes – for women – will be staged plan.
for the first time in 2022. 5. All solar panels must be flush-mounted and in line with, or
• The race was first organised in 1903 to increase sales for the parallel to the existing roof pitch. To be noted on the plan.
newspaper L’Auto. 6. In the case of a solar water heating system, all geysers to
• The modern Tour de France events consist of 21 day-long be concealed within the roof space. All pipe work to be
segments (stages) over a 23-day period, covering around trunked and painted externally. To be noted on the plan.
3 500km. Other points for the residents to consider for their own
• The rider with the lowest cumulative finishing times is the records (but these are not HOA requirements):
leader of the race and wears the yellow jersey. 7. Does the installer have a PV Green Card to effect the
• The leader of the Mountains classification wears the polka installation?
dot jersey. 8. A Certificate of Compliance should be obtained for all
• The point classification leader wears the green jersey – that electrical work.
is the rider that has the greatest number of points. Residents who want to install solar systems are kindly
• The Young rider classification is restricted to the riders that requested to:
are under the age of 26 – the leader wears the white jersey. - Obtain the solar-application form from the Estate Office.
• This year, there are two South Africans riding in the Tour - Submit the completed and signed form by a Tuesday to the
de France – No.124, Louis Meintjes and No.164, Reinhardt Estate Office.
Janse van Rensburg. The Aesthetic Committee that sits every Wednesday will
May you enjoy every check the application prior to approval.
moment of the race.
The Villager • Issue 7 2022 • 3